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That was the only thing going in Abhimanyu's mind for the past few days, but today-all kinds of things was happening with that girl. The weird crying look she gave him during the traffic like she was trying to reach out to him, when she was the one who ceased all the relations between them like it was nothing. 

Then he learned that all the things she did at his house, she never told a soul in her house. Then her brother's comment of her leaving the city. 

She did not give him a single opportunity of vacating his mind since he met her. Akshara has captured his soul and was not leaving him. But she in a hospital?

Was it a panic attack? Was she okay? Last time, he remembered it was severe. She couldn't even breathe. He never did find the reason for her panic attack.

She should be okay. He loved her, even though she didn't or she said she didn't. Abhimanyu should close her chapter in his life but she keeps on intruding making it hard. 

Neil's voice wavered in the phone, he gunned the bike to full speed with the thought of only Akshara in his mind praying to the God whatever it was to make her okay.

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