City of Love and Light Part 73

Start from the beginning

The run around the playground was as much fun as ever, the kids having endless energy and sparking off each other, Seon-won taking off for a dash to the swings, followed by a laughing Hye-jae, then the big sister taking a turn for the slides, with her little brother in mad pursuit.  The 3 friends sat watching the high jinks, from a conveniently close bench, enjoying an aromatic coffee they had purchased from a coffee stand at the park entrance.  The happy squeals of their little ones - as well as the other children enjoying the park on this brilliantly bright-blue, spring morning - brought a palpable sense of contentment, which the cheery bluebells - nestling among the roots of the mature trees, still sparse in leaf - seemed happy to witness too.

As they walked back towards the apartment, Ciara noticed Hye-won take a more than passing glance, as they passed a hair and beauty salon.  A thought occurred to the Irish girl and she had a quick, whispered chat - with some giggling - with Julie, then spoke aloud: 'Julie, weren't you hoping for a bit of pampering today?' and when Julie smiled and nodded, Hye-won looked in surprise to her friend.

'Really?  I don't have much time for such places these days though God knows, they were once where I did my hardest work but I just had a thought that it might be nice today.  On this big occasion.  But the kids...'

That was all Ciara needed to hear and she brushed off her friend's mention of the kids: 'oh, we will definitely find something cool to do, won't we, kids?' with a big wink to the children, which they both tried variously to ape, with hilarious results.  Leaving the group for a moment, Ciara walked into the large, modern salon to have a chat with the - femme propriétaire - female owner - before returning with a triumphant grin.

'So, if you 2 gorgeous ladies can bear to sit and relax over a coffee as you wait...,' and Hye-won and Julie met eyes at her super cuteness, '...Madame - Madam - can accommodate you both.'

When Hye-won was about to protest, Ciara added emotional blackmail to her argument: 'you need to look your best tonight and now you can have a companion along for the fun,' and her eyes met Julie's with laughing intent.

Hye-won rose her brows and nodded slightly she's not wrong - I do need courage for tonight and looking good will help that.  Julie put forward no counter argument and the 2 women were summarily packed off to have coffee, with Ciara's last instructions - go get beautiful, both of you.


Strolling through the overwhelmingly opulent - Opéra de Paris - Paris Opera - that evening, Hye-won felt the sense of history keenly

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Strolling through the overwhelmingly opulent - Opéra de Paris - Paris Opera - that evening, Hye-won felt the sense of history keenly.   Located in the Palais Garnier - Garnier Palace - built by the last monarch of France, Emperor Napoleon III - the nephew of the infamous Napoléon Bonaparte - whose motto was - no space without decoration - everywhere was a visual feast of baroque sumptuousness - marble statues of angelic cherubim in every corner, every surface adorned in gold leaf, stippled with stucco, enlivened with frescos, or draped in berry-shaded velvets, the whole lot lit by a multitude of shimmering lights.  

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