Another universe | Chapter 12

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Susie: Ugh! who ever is controlling this stupid universe taking thing really needs to work on how I land.

Susie gets up off the floor and looks around her, it looked like she was in another Deltarune universe, but which one?

Susie: I think I should hide instead of look around, don't want to freak everyone out, or get myself killed.

Susie starts to walk around, looking for any signs of life. And after looking for a while she gets to Ralsei's castle, it looked the same as any normal castle. She heard people coming so she quickly hid behind a tree. The people were Kris, Ralsei and Susie, and they seemed to be wearing suits.

Susie: I can't wear this!

Ralsei: C'mon Susie! you agreed that if me and Kris wore suits then you would wear a skirt!

Susie 2: (Yeesh, that skirt is so bad.)

Susie: But you guys look good in suits! i'll just look stupid!

Ralsei: No you won't! just try it on!

Susie: Ugh! fine!

Ralsei gives the skirt to Susie and she goes and gets changed into it. She comes back 5 minutes later and she felt so embarrassed.

Susie: I hate it!

Ralsei: It's not that bad!

Susie: Don't you think it's a bit 'revealing'!?

Ralsei: It was the only one they had!

Susie: Then do your magic and we can swap!

Ralsei: What! i'm not wearing a skirt!

Susie: Swap! now!

Ralsei: *sigh* Fine, go take it off and we'll swap.

Susie goes and takes the skirt off and gives it to Ralsei, Ralsei walks off and does his magic on the clothes. He comes back red as a tomato and Kris was sort of blushing at the sight of him, Ralsei gives Susie the enlarged suit and she goes and puts it on.

Ralsei: Better?

Susie: Much better!

Ralsei: Is it ok Kris?


Susie: Why are you asking them!? they don't talk! you look cute! there! I answered for them!

Ralsei: Susie! not appropriate! let's just go.

Susie 2: (Hmm, I wonder where they're going, guess i'll follow them. And I look great in a suit, I should definitely wear one.)

Susie 2 (which is the Susie who get universe swapped) followed them behind the trees, making sure not to make a sound so they wouldn't notice her. After 5 minutes of walking they stopped.

Susie 2: (Why have they stopped?)

Lancer: Hey guys!

Susie: Lancer! nice suit!

Lancer: Your suit is nice also!

Ralsei: Why have you got a cane?

Lancer: This is my full outfit now! if i'm wearing a suit then I have to have a cane with it!

Ralsei: And top hat?

Lancer: Of course! if we're going extra fancy then I need a top hat with it! why are we wearing suits again?

Susie: It was a bet, we have to battle our next enemy in them.

Lancer: Cool! but i'm not fighting anyone, I want to get my suit damaged.

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