The Past Is Gone But Something Might Be Found...

Start from the beginning

"Care to sample, handsome?" They had reached the end of an aisle where a blonde was offering a taste of some chocolate delight smeared on shortbread.

"Looks delicious," Sirius replied. He opened his mouth to take a bite when he heard the blonde gasp.

"Sirius Black?"

He shot a nervous glance in Colleen's direction. She seemed to be reserving judgment but not the least bit surprised.

"Um, have we met?" He hoped he had treated this one at least somewhat decently. But not too decently. Curious—she wasn't really his type at all.

The blonde clearly wasn't the only one who recognized him. A few passers-by had heard her exclamation of his name and started to gather, some grabbing a sample of her chocolate wares, others just keen on being in-the-know. Sirius felt the weight of their stares; he had changed a great deal for the better since his published prison photo was taken, having put on more muscle, adding the healthy glow back to his skin and his longer, curlier hair. Some seemed to debate whether the blonde was even accurate in her declaration, while others skipped to immediate condemnation.

"What's going on?" Colleen asked him somberly, in a tone suggesting she was already done but just awaiting the reason why.

Sirius took a deep breath and leaned down to her ear. "Can we finish our shopping, love? Then we can talk." She just stared at the floor, obviously hating the attention.

With a flourish, Sirius turned to address the small crowd that had formed. "Thank you for your support and encouragement, everyone. It's been quite the ride, and I am grateful for your respect of my privacy as I continue to right the wrongs of injustice." He smiled gracefully and took a bow before pushing the trolley off down another aisle. Colleen trailed behind him, her head down and her hand up to hide her face from the stares.

"Sirius, what have you gotten me into?" she hissed. "I don't want this— I am going through a lot right now, and Ben..."

He brought a hand near the small of her back but stopped short of actually touching her. Instead his hand just kind of hovered behind her as she took over pushing their purchases along.

"I know," he apologized. "I told you it was a rough time for me right now. I just kind of thought you might understand."

"Why? Why would you think that? You don't even know me."

Sirius silently grabbed a hen and some pork chops from the counter. "Just give me the four days, like we talked about, ok?" he finally replied.

Colleen shook her head. "Sirius, I don't owe you anything. Except maybe money for breakfast. Here, I'll pay you back. I don't mean to be rude, but I have to protect my child."

Sirius pushed the money back into her hand. "Colleen, this has nothing to do with your son. He's not even here— this is about you. You don't like the attention and I get that. I don't either. But it won't always be this way."

"Certainly seemed like you liked it to me," she replied, grabbing a few cheeses and a loaf of bread. "That was quite the show."

Sirius laughed sheepishly. "That's just me. I can be a bit much."

"You think?" She laughed too, running a hand through her hair as she shook her head again. "Okay. Look, I'll hear you out. But I'm going to need to know what all this was about the moment we get back home, alright?"

"Yes, the minute we get back home." Sirius couldn't resist.

"Stop!" she groaned.


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