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In the year of 2052, the human race was at it’s peak.  The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was thinning, and the world was ringing with the joy of long awaited World Peace.  The human race was shining in the light of their success and pride.  However, their joy blinded them and it was the opportune moment to strike.  And strike someone did.

            The meteor hit Earth on November 12th, 2057.  It was called Hell’s Star and it had fallen to bring about the most enduring and challenging times the world had ever seen.  Those who weren’t killed on impact, were killed by the life that Hell’s Star brought with it.  Dubbed ‘Outer Lives’ by the human race, they took over the world and left few alive.  Many rose up against the Outer Lives, but it was unknown to man the power that these aliens possesed.  They have the power to mold themselves into another life form.  This process is now known as The Shift.  Wars waged for three years against the foreign invaders, and hundred died on Man’s side before the Shift was discovered.  The battle that ended the war is known as The Last Hope; 852,375 people died on this day and one million people died in the war overall.

            The Shift seemed invincible, but it does happen to have a three rules that can not be broken.  First, an Outer Life can only change their form into a specific type of species once, unless the form is no longer capable to provide.  Second, an Outer Life can not change their gender in a Shift.  A male can only shift into a male of another species.  The third and final rule is that an Outer Life can not use their Shift to harm another Outer Life. 

            After The Last Hope, Men and Outer Lives came together to create a treaty, The Treaty of the North Star.  It states that Man is under the control of the Outer Lives and that any rebellion will be put down with violent force.  Man is allowed to work in the Outer Life government system in the form of colonies and is required to travel to their city, Hell’s City (as it is located inside Hell’s Star), to report back to the Order of the Meteor, the head Outer Life government.  Man is also required to provide, once a year, a human of any age or gender from one of each colony.  Man kind soon came to call this The Sacrifice.  It is unknown what happens to these Sacrifices, but they never return and Man can only expect the worst. 

            While there is tolerance, there is little peace between Man and Outer Lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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