
"Welcome home, kiddo. How was school?" 

Katsuki kicked off his shoes, before looking up to his mother. 

"Not too bad. We have a math test soon." The teenager spoke, putting up his jacket. His mother immediately frowned. 

"Already? But you just started school a few weeks ago..." She whined. Bakugou shrugged, passing by her and walking up the stairs. He dragged his bag along with him, until he reached his bedroom. Then, he plopped down on his mattress, pulling out his phone. He scrolled through the latest news, finding nothing interesting, as usual. Once he was done going through his daily notifications, the blonde set down his cell, and dragged out his school books. He had about 30 minutes of homework, before he got called down to lunch, by his father, Masaru Bakugou. 

Today's Menu : Curry. 

Just like Masaru, Katsuki is a great cook. He loves to cook too, since it calms him down. He's inherited many things from his family. His looks, from his mom. His cooking skills, from his dad. His anger issues originated from his grandmother. The rest of him all came from himself, of other family members. 

"Anything new happened at school today?" Mitsuki asked. Bakugou looked up to his mother, who smiled at him. 

"Nothing really. I'm thinking of going out with friends Thursday though." The blonde stated. 

"Oh... Well! I'm glad you're finally going out, kid." The blonde woman said, dropping her fork. Bakugou shrugged. 

"Had nothing better to do." 


"Good night, sweetie." Mitsuki called, watching her son walk up the stairs. 

"G'Night, 'ma." The blonde teen spoke. Katsuki walked up to his room, before closing the door behind him. He thought about what Thursday was going to be like. What the Candy Shop will look like. He suddenly got a little excited, knowing he was going to be able to fill his face with yummy stuff after the visit. After all- He's always loved to eat candy, ever since he was a kid. 

Bakugou used to eat a lot of sugar, back when he was just a young boy. But- He didn't brush his teeth regularly, and by the age of 14, he found out he had 4 cavities in his teeth. Of course, his parents got mad at him, and eventually decided to get their son's teeth fixed. And they did. Ever since then, the blonde hasn't eaten candy without brushing his teeth. 

Katsuki's visited ever Candy Shop in Hosu City. All except this one- Which he doesn't even know the shop's name yet. He'll find out sooner or later though. So it doesn't really matter. As long as the Candy Shop has everything he likes, it'll become his favorite. He'll probably stop by there after school every day too. All depends on how it is. 

He'll find out Thursday, that's for sure. 


Hi there! 

Thanks for reading the very first chapter of Candy Boy! I hope you enjoyed it!

This book is special, compared to the others I've written, since the idea came from a BakuDeku Book Contest. I held the contest from November 15th to November 30th. I received a lot of ideas, and I loved all of them very much. But- I had to chose a winner. 

And the winner is:


Congratulations to them! 

Their idea was to have a Candy Shop AU. Even though there were many other great ideas, I decided to try out something different. So, here we are!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of this story, and don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks, and have a nice day! 

-Sucky Author 

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