So I didn't end up waiting, I was actually late. I ran through the hallway and then I jumped out the window, Breaking it. I used my float quirk to float to the gym, I landed on the ground and burst through the doors, Tripping and face planting in the gym. "Are you alright?" Carrot top asked "I-I'm fine!" I said hopping up, "Let's start!" I yelled. I walked up to Vlad "What do you want me to teach them?" I whispered to Vlad, "Could I like fight them maybe?" I asked he looked somewhat surprised "Uh.. Just don't hurt any of them." He said before letting me fight them. "So class what do you think about a good old fashion fight?" I asked them Pulling a staff made of metal out of my boot, "Yeah!" TetsuTetsu yelled. "Come at me." I told him

He ran at me I used my staff to flip him far away. I found a way to use my floating quirk throughout the staff, Making things I touch with my staff float. He flew pretty high up before I released him. Hiryu ran at me scales covered his arms, I did the same trick with him. I just didn't let the kid fly as high up, Since he couldn't turn into metal. The others hesitated, Ibara shot her vines towards me which I grabbed my knife to cut them. I ran up to her and hit her with the staff and flipped her away from me, She only floated a bit before she fell. One by one the students attacked me before all of them were across the gym, I walked over to them. I put my hand to my cheek "Hello! Anybody there?" I asked they all groaned, "They aren't dead Vlad!" I exclaimed he just glared at me. "Way to ruin the moment Vlad!" 

I left the class "Goodbye people!" I exclaimed as I left the building, I headed straight to my dorm room and opened my computer. I searched up Vlad and his quirk, I went into an incognito browser as if that would do anything and I searched through files that had to do with him. He had a few police reports but one stuck out like a sore thumb. He had killed multiple villain for their 'Own good' because of various reasons, I was the type of villain he would've killed if he had the chance. I caused about 5th deaths in a few months, and 20 injuries. They don't know the number of crimes I've broken which vary from stealing to Homicide. They couldn't even predict the crimes I wanna commit soon, He gave me 4 more quirks and they haven't activated yet. I'll be waiting.

I left the room and headed down to the main room with a book, It was a really old book based of an even older tale. It was called Dorothy Must Die.  Quite and interesting read, Lots of murder it's pretty close to the world I want in the future. With me as the ruler, I heard the front door open. On instinct I jumped up from where I was sitting to see Mina "Hi Mina!" I exclaimed as I waved, "Hi Ochako." She said obviously upset at me, I turned around and sat back down continuing my book. I felt as someone walked near me, I let them sit. It was Yaomomo "H-Hi Ochako." Momo said.

"Heya Momo!" I said turning to her "How was class?" I asked her she smiled slightly, "It was good, I didn't learn much." She bragged "Cool." I said looking back to my book, Her eyes followed mine "Dorothy must die? What's it about?" I smiled at her "It's about-" I spent about 25 minutes explaining the plot, "You're such a nerd Ochako!" Momo said giggling, I stopped smiling "uh... Yeah." I said looking back at me book, I don't like it when she teases me it doesn't feel like teasing. She got up and walked away, I watched her as she went and so did Mineta.

"I miss Midoriya." I heard someone say "Me too, I miss him bunches and bunches!" I heard another person say, Everybody started saying how much they missed his adorable broccoli hair, His cute freckles, His personality, How kind he was unlike me, and How they wished I hadn't kill him. I turned towards them as they talked about him and I couldn't stop tears from welling up in my eyes as I smiled at them. I hid my face in the book not wanting them to see how weak I was, "Ochako are you alright?" Jiro asked, I stood up and ran away. I got in the elevator and was soon on my floor. I ran into my room and lied down on my bed, letting the comfort of the sheets consume me.

I heard a knock at the door "Ochako are you ok?!" I heard Momo "Everybody's worried!" She insisted to come in, I zoned her out as I lied in my bed. "Just leave me alone, I'll be my cheerful self in 15 minutes." Then I heard her punch my door "No!" She yelled "Ochako come on!" I heard Iida yell into the door, I ran over to it and opened it "Hi." I said smiling at them, "Are you alright Ochako?" Iida asked, I couldn't hold the tears back as I fell to the floor. Momo caught me before I could hit the floor, We walked over to my bed and we all sat down. "You can tell us anything." Momo reminded me "N-No I can't!" I protested, She slightly smiled at me. 

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