The Flames of Blue Dance Across the Skin

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Before he could react a hand clamped over his mouth dragging him into an alleyway. Quickly gaining his bearings Shoto used his quirk and his fire blazed. The person let go and Shoto turned to face them. 

Staring in shock he saw Dabi standing there, a hood over his head probably as a shitty disguise but his purple burns were clear as day. 

Getting into a fighting stance Shoto asked, "What do you want, villain?"

Dabi smiled but it held no malice. "Oh little Sho, I just wanted to see you."

Shoto reeled back a little but kept his guard up, "Why'd you want to see me?"

Dabi chuckled a bit, "I missed you."

That took Shoto by surprise but he learned quickly that villains had underhanded tactics to get heroes or people off their guards. Shoto dropped his fighting stance but stayed alert and ready.

"You don't even know me?" He phrased it like a question as his mind was still reeling not only from earlier but also from this entire encounter.

"Oh. Shoto, I'm hurt! You don't remember me?" Dabi asked with a smile playing on his lips.

Shoto raised an eyebrow in confusion willing the villain to continue.

"That's alright. I do look a bit different now." Dabi looked down at himself and chuckled almost evilly.

"Well, little Sho, since you can't seem to remember I'll leave you some clues! Maybe then you'll figure it out. Here's your first one. The flames of blue dance across the skin."

Shoto was baffled and about to ask what he meant when a purple portal opened up behind Dabi and he stepped backward into it disappearing in the purple mist.

What the hell just happened?!

Shoto stared at the spot Dabi disappeared from realizing that this wasn't a plan to distract or hurt him as he was left there untouched. Shoto had no idea who Dabi could be as he was locked away from almost everyone when he was younger.

The flames of blue dance across the skin?

What could that mean?!

Flames of blue is obviously about his quirk but what does dance across the skin mean?

Could it be about his scars? Did his fire burn him?

When Shoto thought that he suddenly got a piercing headache. It was like his brain was trying to tell him something. Or show him something that he repressed. 

Even so he didn't know what and he knew he needed to get back to UA now. Because of his trance-like walk he didn't know how far he'd gotten and wasn't completely sure where he ended up. 

He picked a direction based on what he could remember seeing and started walking back. From what he could remember he didn't take any turns so he just continued on a straight path. 

After a few minutes of basically wandering aimlessly Shoto sensed another presence. Quickly staying alert he surveyed the surrounding area but relaxed when he heard.

"Calm down kid, it's just me."

Shoto recognized the voice as Aizawa and not even a second later saw the older man emerge from the shadows.

"Aizawa-sensei what are you doing here?" Shoto asked.

"Well I was on night patrol but I should be asking you that question, it's way past curfew."

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