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After a few weeks off, Lynn already has another fashion show for a major brand. She is in London for a show. She has been in London for a few days but today the show will be held.

Lynn thought ''Why do I always have to get out so early. The show doesn't start until this afternoon but you have to be there early in the morning.''

She gets out of her bed and gets dressed. Then she walks to the elevator to eat her breakfast downstairs before heading to the venue where the show will be held.

When she has packed all her things her manager is already waiting for her.

Manager: So do you have everything you need to be with you?
Lynn: Yes. We can go.

They get into the van that takes them to the building where the show is. Once they are inside, one of the employee comes up to them and shows them the way to the makeup and clothing room. there she can find her outfit for the fashion show.

She is getting ready right now. Lynn already has her makeup on and just needs to put on her outfit. This show is for fall.

When she has her outfit on she walks with her manager to the room where all the other models are also.

Lynn: Okay I'm ready. The first show for the new season.
Manager: Yes this is the first one. Luckily it's not a big show where you have to wait an hour each time until it's your turn again.
Lynn: No but it is an important one.

They arrive where all the other models are. Lynn runs into some people she knows and talks to for a while. Lynn is only 10th in line. so she can wait a while.

When she is called to be ready after 15 minutes she walks towards the stage where everyone is sitting. She walks onto the catwalk and takes a lap. People everywhere are taking pictures of her and her outfit.

When Lynn is back, she has to wait until everyone has gone and they all come out onto the catwalk one more time

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When Lynn is back, she has to wait until everyone has gone and they all come out onto the catwalk one more time. Then the show is over.

When the show is over, she and her manager go to eat at a restaurant somewhere. They walk a bit through the streets of London. Lynn takes a few pictures on her phone. When at the restaurant and have ordered the food. Lynn puts a picture of London on her Instagram page.

When Lynn gets back to her hotel room later, she takes a shower first

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When Lynn gets back to her hotel room later, she takes a shower first. Then she crawls under the covers and looks to see if there are any photos of the fashion show partial of her. When it is 11 o'clock she goes to sleep because she has to get up early tomorrow to fly back to the Netherlands.

The next day she flies back home where her family is waiting because it is her sister's birthday. When she arrives at her parents' house she sees that family members are already there. Lynn's sister does not know that she is coming back to the Netherlands earlier especially for her birthday. When she presses the bell her father opens the door.

Lynn: Hi dad, are you okay?
Father: Yeah sure you had a nice flight from London?
Lynn: Yes. Does Esmee know I'm coming today?
Father: No we haven't told her anything. She still thinks you are in London.
Lynn: Okay fine. Where exactly is she?
Father: She is in the living room on the couch.

When Lynn has removed her coat, she walks into the living room where her mother and sister and the rest of the family are sitting. When Esmee sees her sister come in and runs towards her.

Esmee: Lynn what are you doing here?
Lynn: Well of course celebrating a birthday. Congratulations on your 18th birthday.
Esmee: Thank you! But you were in London for a show, right?
Lynn: Yes that's right. Only this one ended a day earlier than I told you so I was able to surprise you.

Lynn grabs something out of her bag and hands it to Esmee.

Lynn: Well here is your present and you should take care of it.
Esmee: Uehh what is it then?
Lynn: Well open it carefully and see what it is.

Esmee carefully unwraps it and sees what is inside. She starts to cry.

Esmee: Watt you're not serious about this are you Lynn? Am I really going to Bts to their concert and fan meeting?
Lynn: Yes of course you are. And they are VIP tickets! The tickets are for two people, and I know you are huge fans, bring someone who knows them too from your friends or anybody.
Esmee: Oh I already know who I'm taking to the concert. That's you Lynn. You give me such an expensive gift then I'll take you there too.
Lynn: That's sweet but you don't have to if you want to go with one of your friends.

When it is quiet again mother gives Lynn a piece of cake. They have a nice chat. Lynn is happy to have the whole family around her again.


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