"No I mean-"

"I know exactly what you mean! Maybe this sister thing wasn't such a good idea!", I yelled.

"No please Mya-"

"Maybe this best friend thing shouldn't be such a good idea either!", I shouted.


"Maybe we just shouldn't be friends at all!", I said with finality before slamming the door behind me and angrily walking back to my room.

Jacob P.O.V.

Light blinded me. I felt numb all over. I felt pain. My chest was killing me. Literally. I felt like I was dying. Yet...I was alive. I don't know how but I was almost grateful. Again rage took over me and shock and despair controlled me. But I can't change what happened. I tried to call someone but my mouth was so dry I couldn't form the words.

"He's awake!", someone exclaimed.

I couldn't fully examine who was there. My vision was still a bit blurry.

"Jacob! My baby!", my mom said. I recognized her voice.

"Mom?", I said blurrily.

I felt her hug me. I felt her embrace.

"What- What happened?", I asked.

"Not now baby. Not now. Later.", she said.

I felt her tears slide down my neck.

I know I tried to take my life but why didn't I die. I can't face the world knowing what I did to my baby.

The doctor entered smiling.

"Hello Jacob. How are you?"

"I'm confused."

"Well you were in a brief coma. You almost missed your heart by inches.", he said.

I sighed.

The doctor told me how I needed to go through therapy ensuring I wouldn't attempt to kill myself again.

I was left alone with my mom when he left. Part of me wished I was dead and another part was grateful I was alive. I wished I was dead because I couldn't live knowing Mya would be in another man's arms and I caused that because I hit her. I was grateful I was alive because maybe I might be able to get her back. Just maybe.

Mya P.O.V.

I woke up. Today was Monday. First day of school. I say that a lot but this year was my sophomore year. Even though I haven't been going to school, I still keep track. I couldn't get that conversation with Pat out of my head. You never really know someone until they reveal they're true colors. I've seen a lot of people's true colors in my life. Maybe this sister thing wasn't a good idea. I really need to stop feeling sad for people. I felt sad for Par when I was leaving when I didn't even spend a year in foster care. She spent several years in foster care and I felt bad she didn't have a place to call home. That's what I get for being nice. I pulled the covers off of me and dragged my feet on the carpet. I brushed my teeth and bathed. I tried to think on the bright side of things. Maybe sophomore year wouldn't be as bad. I mean, a lot of people get bullied as freshman. I went into my room. I put on a grey sweatshirt with a winky face, black leggings, and my Jordan's.

I went downstairs to see Todd drinking coffee.

"Morning Todd.", I said.

"Morning Mya. Where's Pat?", he asked.

"Uh she's probably getting ready.", I lied.

I didn't want to speak of her. I didn't even think she was awake. Oh well. That's not my problem.

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