chapter 2:Emperor's bithday banquet.

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The next day.


'Today will be the day i will perish,im sorry Athanasia i should've treaten you better,spoilt you and give you love and care you deserve',Claude thought while being absent minded on the sofa.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

He said while looking at the door,"your majesty,its time."claude looked at felix noticing his eyes are red.

"Felix,come sit here",claude patted the space besides him,felix gave him a questioned look.

"What can i do for you your majesty?",he said while sitting down.
"Felix when i die what would you do next?"he asked and made felix shock.

"What do you mean,your majesty?!",i stared at him and said,"felix,one day when i die please leave the palace,and only some know this but i spared lilian york she's in one of the room in this palace take her with you."

"Why are you saying this suddenly your majesty?",Felix said worriedly.

"Im fixing my mistakes" i said as i stand up and leave the room.

'what does he mean?',Felix was confuse but keep up with Claude as he stands up.

At the banquet hall.

'Oh my do you think his majesty will escort the princess jennette',whispered by one of the noble woman.

Jennette's Pov'

"Presenting her highness jennette de alger obelia",the people moved their attention to me.

'Oh my,why isn't his majesty escorting the princess?'the nobles whisper.

I walked down the stairs and said,"Thank you for coming to my father's birthday banquet",the i smilled brightly that made them flustered.

'why did father suddenly change his mind of escorting me',i thought angerly,'even izekiel rejected me'.

I then exuses my self and sat down my chair and start to drink some water strangely i started to feel a little dizzy,Then suddenly...

The Hidden Princess And Her Lovable Dad(WMMP)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora