He also wore a toasty designer gilet which they  knew was not just to keep him warm but would also allow him flexibility to carry out a pursuit should it become necessary and also helped conceal whatever wires and speakers  he had concealed on his torso and which linked him to his HQ. Rose noticed that although he was seemingly engrossed in talking to Nat, he was also systematically watching the people around them.

She wondered if Nat had a crush on him; certainly she had been talking about how cute she thought his moustache and goatee were. Nat did not have a boyfriend, she had always opted to have plenty of friends around, some of whom were boys, but no one special. Rose was aware that Nat did feel incredibly self-conscious about her braces and had also lost a lot of self-confidence after the death of their Mother from breast cancer, three years previously.

Once Nat had left, Rose briefly called Carl and updated him about the latest with Miles. She told him they were all going out together the next day. Carl seemed generally pleased that Miles appeared to be in a conciliatory mood.

He told Rose that Bill Campbell had again asked that security around Lloyd be a priority and offered financial assistance for security – as per Rose’s instructions he had thanked them but turned the offer down. He also was able to reassure Rose that no action re: custody had been discussed at all. Carl’s view was that the Setons were going to see what fell out of Miles’s meetings with Rose.

He advised Rose, as Delma had, to nevertheless listen carefully to any suggestions around custody and not to agree to anything she felt pressurised or uncomfortable about. He encouraged her to call him if she wanted to talk anything through.

With a sigh, Rose sat down at her laptop and logged into her work emails. For the next couple of hours she worked her way through work issues and called into the office, spoke to Maggie and got a handle on exactly what had been going on. Maggie had some interviews set up for some potential models that she thought would suit their portfolio. Happy to delegate other business tasks, Rose normally took part in all the interviews and she agreed some dates for the following week.

When her mobile rang she had assumed it would be Nat to say she was on her way back, but it was Helen.

“Hi, Rose, can you talk?”

“Yes, no problem. Has Miles confirmed the arrangements?”

“He has yes. As I thought, he has decided that so as to attract as little attention as possible, its best that we go early tomorrow morning. It officially opens at 10am, but he has had a word with one of the managers there who he knows and has been offered entry at 0930 for us all. He and I will pick up you, Lloyd and Nathalie  at 0830 if that’s ok with you?”

“That will be fine, I’ll make sure we’re all ready to go and then we’ll wait until the door is buzzed before coming down.”

“Great. Oh, he mentioned one other thing, he asked if you wanted to bring any security with you, or whether you wanted him to arrange anything”

Rose thought. “I don’t think there’s any need, we will all be close together and should be first in too. So I feel quite comfortable.”

“I’ll let him know,” said Helen, “See you in the morning.”

Rose checked her mobile for messages and sure enough there was one from Nat to say she was on her way back with Jojo and Lloyd.”

Rose carried on working and sent her Dad an email too.

“Hi Dad.

Just to let you know, the meeting with Miles went ok this morning. He behaved fine and seemed in conciliatory mood. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Lloyd, which is hardly surprising as they really are incredibly alike in appearance. He brought presents and has requested to see as much of Lloyd as poss, on my terms, before returning to the States.

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