Chapter 37: The Savior And His Damsel In Distress

Beginne am Anfang

Wei Wuxian, “But you are regretting it, so why not stop her?!”

Nie Huaisang laughed bitterly, “It’s already too late.”

Wei Wuxian, “You-”

Did Nie Huaisang really became heartless for his plans? No matter how much he had been dense about his feelings before, he could still see that Sisi like Nie Huaisang, even to a point that she’s willing to sacrifice herself for his plan. But it’s never right to use other’s feelings to make them sacrifice their lives for you!

If Nie Huaisang could remain sitting, Wei Wuxian couldn’t!

However, after he stood up, he felt that his right hand was being held by Lan Wangji. The man looked at him in the eyes and shook his head.

Wei Wuxian, “Why… also you?”

Lan Wangji sighed, “It’s Yin Incinerating Gu.”

Lan Wangji is also a healer of his own and had already identified the Gu that Sisi and Jin Guangshan ingested.

Wei Wuxian knew that Lan Wangji was not joking. He could only slump back to his chair as his rage was quickly replaced with pity for Nie Huaisang.

No wonder. Even though Nie Huaisang's resolve wavered, he still did nothing. It was too late. This certain kind of Gu is actually not harmful to Jin Guangshan. As long as he waited until the Gu in Sisi fully absorb her vitality, the Gu in him will naturally leave on their own. But the Gu in Sisi will really kill her no matter what. She could only let Jin Guangshan take her so they both will die.

This selflessness… why would she do this? Wei Wuxian looked at Nie Huaisang. If it's just because Sisi love Nie Huaisang, would it really be enough for her to willingly sacrifice herself for his plan? Wouldn’t she want to be with him instead? Unless she has her own reason for killing Jin Guangshan.

Nie Huaisang also sighed, “If it’s only my decision, do you think I will let her use this kind of Gu? Shouldn’t I use the Yang Incinerating Gu instead? In the first place couldn’t I just hire someone else? Or just assassinate Jin Guangshan instead? But what could I do? It’s her wish after all. She said that dying after personally killing Jin GuangShan is what would really make her at peace and if she failed then it's only right for her to die. Her cultivation is not enough to assassinate Jin Guangshan and she said that this is the only thing that she’s good at…”

Sisi was once a Young Miss in a small cultivation clan in Yunmeng. Her father dotted on her and her mother loved her dearly. Her great grandfather had been a friend of a great figure when he was still living. Through this, she became a betrothed to an heir of a great clan. She was living a perfect life, only waiting for her right age to be wedded into. Until that tragedy happened.

Though she was young at age, she could still clearly remember the events that ruined her once perfect life. Her mother was beautiful just like her and she didn’t lack admirers even when she’s already married. However, her, being married into a relatively powerful clan prevented other’s from coveting her beauty. But the appearance of a powerful cultivator changed everything. He’s extremely lecherous and didn’t care if the beauty that he had taken a liking already has a husband and daughter. Naturally, he didn’t mind offending such small clan.

That powerful cultivator ruined her mother’s reputation. The concubine of her father took this opportunity to scheme against her mother. It came to a point that they made her father believe that her mother had always been cheating on him and that she is also the product of her mother’s immoral deeds. Her father flew into rage and personally executed her mother while she was sold off to a brothel.

That powerful cultivator didn’t care about any of these. He disappeared after ruining her mother’s reputation. His identity remained unknown to everyone.

When she was sold off to that brothel in Yunping, she was only ten years old. There she met Meng Shi and her son Meng Yao. Meng Shi was pretty educated for a courtesan and she even dreamt of having her son cultivate. Sisi, it was how she was called after being sold, saw the fake cultivation books that Meng Shi bought for her son. She was once a daughter of a small cultivation clan and had already learned how to gather Qi. She volunteered to teach Meng Yao. This made Meng Shi happy and decided to take care of her like her own daughter. It still needed years of grooming before she could serve as a courtesan and in this years, Meng Shi served as her mother.

The three of them live peacefully amidst that hard situation that they were in. But Sisi had never forgotten her past and deep within her heart was a thirst for revenge. However, she knew that she’s weak and she even didn’t know the name of that powerful cultivator.

Until a few years ago, in her death bed, Meng Shi deliriously recalled how she and Meng Yao’s father met. Sisi had already heard about some stories about this mysterious person and of course she had doubts that this could be the powerful cultivator that she was looking for. However, Meng Yao’s father seemed to be a playboy but would never force himself to anyone so Sisi did not think about it deeper. But after listening to Meng Shi’s detailed description of that man, she couldn’t be any clearer that the powerful cultivator who ruined her mother was also Meng Yao’s father. Meng Shi also revealed the identity of that person. He is none other than Jin Guangshan, the sect leader of Lanling Jin Sect who’s infamous for his lecherous deeds!

She already knew who’s the person who ruined their lives but she wasn’t strong enough to take her revenge. She was hopeless and powerless, so what could she do? She only has her beauty to rely on but this beauty is also something that she couldn’t be thankful of. Her face was slowly turning from a fresh young bud to a beautiful fully-bloomed flower. She became famous but this also attracted the hatred of the other girls who made life difficult for her. Misfortune also come one after another. One of the wife of her customer hired thugs to ruin her face. In this desperate fleeing, she met Nie Huaisang.

After knowing her situation, Nie Huaisang had also told her his plan to kill Jin Guangshan. Sisi immediately volunteered to enact this plan. This was how their cooperation started. But fate is really playful. She fell for this savior that came when she most needed help, while he didn’t notice that, he too, fell for this damsel in distress until the moment of their last farewell.

They came here to enjoy the closing show for Jin Guangshan, but the death of another character left them with the feeling of regret, hollowness, and in the end, respect.

“Nie-Xiong…” Wei Wuxian called out.

“You are her betrothed, am I right?”


Author's Note:

As I said earlier, this plot was the fruit of my sudden insanity. Sisi and NHS should not have feelings for each other base on my draft but I tried to put my self on their shoes, specially to Sisi's. Wouldn't you fall for your savior?

So from the previous chapter NHS was kinda excited for this. But as I had mentioned, he only realized his feelings after Sisi thanked him.

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