◎◉Chapter 8 / Meeting the Boar◉◎

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Hello! sorry I've haven't updated! I really am, I'm working on other stories you see. Check them out if you want! I also dressed up as Rengoku for Halloween in 2021!

Y/N pov:

As soon as we enter the mansion, the kids enter too and we get separated! I'm almost 99% sure that Zenitsu is crying his ass of right this second. Maybe I should have stayed outside. I hear a grunting behind me and see a Demon, however it seems to be looking at something else. "Feather breathing, Forth form, Blinding Feather Sky" I say as feather surround my sword

 I stab the demon in the neck and release my sword. I jump back and see a few feathers where the stab were. "Ha! your supposed to-" He was cut off by his head exploding off his body on where I stabbed him.

"Never underestimate your opponents" I mutter as the demon disintegrates. I turn to see a man with, a boar head looking dead at me. "Hey you! Fight me!" He shouts, running up to me. "There are plenty of demons to fight in here, why not try and find the boss demon?" I say as I back away slowly. I can already tell that he has issues, so I wanna leave here soon.

I run away, but then I hear a Bonk sound, and now I'm in a new room. I sigh as I wander around the mansion, killing demons along the way. Then I feel a rumbling, and quite a few erythematic vibrations, meaning that's where the bonks were coming from. I rush through the hall and see Tanjiro fighting a drum demon.

I look at Tanjiro's feet and see he's avoiding stepping on pieces of paper. I look at a piece of paper at my feet and pick it up. I read it and its a poem. This poem is about the finding and loss of love, which I relate too. I pick up another one and read it. I don't care if the demon wrote it, its really good. I love Literature, so it makes me happy to see someone writing stuff like this.

"Y/N!" I hear Tanjiro shout and see the drum demon rushing towards me. I quickly grab onto some pages and dodge his attack. "These poems and pages are really good!" I shout at the drum demon with a smile, while he just looks shocked. I read another page I picked up, smiling. "Seriously, if you weren't a demon, you could become a great writer" I say with a thumbs up, neatly putting the pages down.

"You-you think so?" The drum demon mutter, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Yea! I have no reason to lie" I say as I grip my sword. "Unfortunately, your still a demon. I'll tell you this though, your writing is beautiful" I say as I get in a stance. "Feather breathing, Second form, Feather rain" I mutter as I jump up and aim towards his neck. We share a glance and his eyes are filled with happiness(?) I slice his neck off and land behind his body.

Tanjiro looks at the demons head and I notice a name in the corner of one of the pages. Kyogai. Must be the demons name. I see the head hasn't disintegrated yet, but its slowly. "I will cherish these works of art for you" I say to the demon Kyogai, who seems to be happy.

The head disintegrates into nothing and I let out a sigh. I look around and see Tanjiro getting flung out the mansion. I take my time to collect the poems and pages Kyodai left behind before leaving. Placing the pages safely with my scrolls in my basket. I proceed in the direction that Tanjiro got flung into and make my way to a window.

There I see Zenitsu, who looks like he got the living shit beat out of him, Tanjiro, who is digging holes for the deceased, and a very girly man whos laying next to a boar head asleep. I jump from the window, startling Zenitsu. "Gah! Y/N ANGEL!" Zenitsu cries as he hugs me tightly. "Uh, hey Zenitsu" I mutter as I pat his back.

"AHHHH!" I hear a scream, I turn around and see Mr. Boar man is awake, and ready for action. Too bad there's no action around. He seems to argue with Tanjiro before deciding he's better a burring bodies than him, so Boar man starts digging. We then share eye contact for a moment. "AH! Bird man! Fight me!" He shouts, running up to me.

"Oh its you! Sorry no thanks, and Bird man?" I say and ask. "When you attacked that demon, you had feathers, and birds have feathers! I'm Inosuke Hashibira " He shouts as he puffs his chest out in pride. 'I'm not gonna tell him' I sigh as I walk away, seeing the kids and their brother are safe and sound. I smile slightly at the warmness of sibling love.

I see my white crow flying down towards me, and it lands on my right shoulder. "Caw! Head to the Wisteria Inn to rest up, and carry this pouch with you" My crow says to me. I look at its feet and see a wisteria pouch tied to it. I take the pouch off and it flies away. Anakin used to use these when he was traveling. Great now I'm sad!

Sorry if this chapter is short, I'm kinda rushing it. ALSO IM SKIPPING THE WISTERIA INN EPISODE! BYE!

 ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)     (❤'艸`❤)

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