Chapter 1- Still Dreaming

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Arceli Damaris Stanette



Yeah, so I'm still pondering around our dorm, where the three of us, Ranikka Mae Steward, Danias Rose Sterling, and me Arceli Damaris Stanette, are just lingering on our own beds.

Little did I know, I was only in my pajamas, and our first day in college starts 8:00 and it's already 7:37.

So much for being irresponsible on the first day. Heh.

"You guys know it's already thirty seven past seven right?"

"Oh dear. Really?" Danias said.

"Yep. And girls, we only have one bathroom to take a shower in."

"Let's take a shower together then!" Ranikka shouted. Me showing my face of disgust.

" Alright, we won't. you go ahead now Arceli."

"Very well then. It'll just take a few moments."

"Enough with the blabbering and just go in there!"

"Alright, alright."


I was in the shower, feeling good because the water was warm.

I still have these weird high hopes of having Joe as my man. I mean, he's funny and he has this great personality.

It's weird.

"Arceli you done?" Ranikka asked.

"Uh, yeah. just wait a minute." I told her.

As soon as I got drees up, I rushed outside of the bathroom so that either Ranikka or Danias can take a bath now.

"My turn!" Ranikka said.

Let me explain more about her. Ranikka Mae Steward is a high-hope kind of person. She always mentions this guy she saw on Youtube. I think the guy's name was Oli?

Yeah, I think it was Oli, only, I forgot his last name. Kinda familiar though. I also think he was the Oli from Joe's and Caspar's apartment.

Their new roommate. Oh, yeah. Oli White. He has a face, but Joe's face is more precious than anyone else's, period. Hehe.

Ranikka isn't the normal kind of person you meet everyday. She's protective, and possessive. She's kind, but can get a little cranky sometimes.

Moving on with Danias Rose Sterling. Sporty, and a very attractive girl. Problem is, she doesn't like boys. Boyish, but she has her own girl side. She likes-, loves Caspar Lee. So much that she can just strangle anyone if she see's him.

Very kind but she's also a smart one. Only, I'm smarter.

Now, onto me. Arceli Damaris Stanette. I love and adore purely Joseph "Joe" Sugg. 100 and 50 percent a special Sugglet.

Pretty much, my life is all about Joe at the moment. Well, the reason is mostly because he just has this thing that keeps me smiling.

He smiles, I smile. I also love it when he does this jump scaring Oli these days. Love 'em. I dunno, he's just, special.

Ooh, and I love his fashionable sister too. Zoella Elizabeth Sugg, they look good together with Alfie Deyes.

I also love it when Joe calls Nala, Alan. It's cool though, and funny I might add. hehe.

"Ready girls?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" Ranikka said.

"So... how was that issue you had with Tyler Grand Del?" I asked Danias, me grinning.

You see, Tyler has this crush on Danias, she likes his cute face, but she just couldn't like him because she really likes Caspar. She knows there wouldn't be any hope for Caspar and her, but she never gave up, thinking she still has that small chance. She's also a high-hoped person.

Will is good too, I mean, he also has this nice happy face. I like how he smiles, it looks all so happy, so smiley.

"Ready for school." I said happily."



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-ILurvJoeSugg :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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