
176 2 1

LOCATION- Plane to Japan
DAY- Tuesday
TIME- idk day

English speaking Mondo. NOT CHANGING HIS RACE‼️He is still Japanese he had just moved to America and was coming back to Japan.

                       MONDO POV.

   I was walking onto the Plane. I was on my way to Japan or whatever.. I moved to America years ago because I thought it was a good idea- I mean it was but I wanted to get back to my home land.

    I had taken my seat.
"Seat 24 eh'.." I said.
I had sat down. I thought i was alone! On my flight ticket- well last time I checked.. I was alone! Plus who would want to sit next to a stranger.

  I was sitting waiting for the call that it was done boarding or- taking people in whatever it's called!! That was when this- average. Guy ran into the plane. He looked in a rush and was wearing a very, professional attire outfit. I was looking at him, I mean a lot of people where. He looked panicked. He was sweating and panting.

  "Apologize!" He said in a one-word sentence.
I was staring. He was waking down the- halls?? When I realized he was walking towards me.
You've gotta be kidding me right.

  He sat down right next to me. Not on the side seat. Right beside me.

  I was speechless. Annoyed-!! I looked at him. He was red- I couldn't tell if it was a sweating red or a flustered red. He looked at me. We made eye contact. It was- weird.

  The flight attendant got on the speakers and announced we where getting ready to fly. We looked away from each-other.


  While we where flying, me and that guy where on our phones. I complete forgot to describe him. He had black-ish hair and deep red eyes. He had a white suit on and big bushy eyebrows. His language was set to Japanese. It made sense now why he used a one-word sentence.

  Of course- I speak Japanese. I know what he was doing. It frankly would be embarrassing if he knew that I knew but- he didn't. It's not like I knew everything. Just- like 2/3. I was moved to America. Wha'd ya' expect.

  He looked to me.
"Excuse, me." He said.
"Mm." I responded.
He looked like he was trying to figure out the words. I rolled my eyes and pulled up a translator, I didn't want him to know I new what he was looking at. It was quite embarrassing.

  He went in and typed. I had the Japanese keyboard which he didn't ask about. I mean, I don't think he would ask.

  He showed me the phone.

"私の前の座席の後ろにホルダーを置く方法を知っていますか?" ((Do you know how to put down the holder in the back of the seat in front of me?))

  I typed.

"ええと、ええ。" ((uh, yeah.))

  After that, we actually had a conversation. We traded phone numbers. It honestly happened so quick. It was already the end.

  I got off the plane still typing with him. We both went our ways. We continued texting. With the translator of course.

We are perfect.


Word count- 550

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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