
My day at school went quite smooth. I suddenly decided to head over to the beach and watch the sunset.

I arrived at the beach and began to take slow steps towards the ocean. The waves weren't rough in any way but calm and soothing. I placed my hands in my pockets and stared at the ocean.

I reached the ocean, took off my shoes and had my feet in the ocean. I shut my eyes and went with the vibe of the ocean. 

I took out my phone and earphones and plugged the earphones into both ears and began playing a song.

{This was the song played}

My eyes got misty as they were still shut. In a matter of seconds, I broke down into tears. 

With no show of emotion, I exhaled out a shaky breath. I didn't feel alone though, but I didn't bother opening my eyes to see if my instincts were probably right. The rhythm of the song was soothing. I smiled bitterly and painfully as the song came to an end.

I unlocked my phone and played another song.

I placed it back in my pocket as I followed the rhythm of the song.

 I still didn't bother examining my surrounding. The lines in the song were relatable to my case. Continuous tears poured down my cheeks. Dry tears formed stained on my cheeks.

 The song sent chills to my spine. I wished I could just rant all my problems to the ocean but I realized, it was no use. It must have held so much that I didn't know. I opened my eyes as the song came to an end. 

I stared at the ocean and noticed a flower floating on the ocean. It approached my sight and finally reached the shore. The flower was a fresh daisy. I knelt down then held it close to me.

Some petals of the flower began to wither as part of it still seemed strong. I got a strong hit of deja vu as I held the flower.

The flower then vanished from my presence into thin air leaving only two petals; one withered while the other looked bloomy. A question rang in my mind.

"What does this mean?"





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 A/N :  >THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR 100 READS!!🥺 words can't express how grateful I am🤎. >Thanks for your consistent love and support, I'll keep working harder so as to make all my loving readers proud <3

> I love you all so much, stay safe and remember, you're loved and cared for. 🥺🤎🤎.


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