"Ofcourse I dint like Arjun, someone just comes raising a finger on me and you stay all quite.. I hated it, but that doesn't make me leave you Arjun", she cried

"But that's what you said Divi, you said you don't want me anymore.. you sent the divorce papers home", I shouted back this time

"Really Arjun? You are blaming me now, like seriously? Yes I sent the divorce papers coz I received it from you.. you told me yourself that you don't love me anymore, you said you wanted a divorce from me, and you sent it to me.. what will I do then? I signed and sent you back", she yelled

"What the fuck Divi, I never told anything such.. I loved you then and I still love you", I said holding her shoulders

"You are lying Arjun, you said it all yourself.. I can never forget all that", she cried hard

"Divi, ok please don't cry", I hugged her

"You don't love me Arjun?", She asked sniffing

"I do baby, I love you so much.. my love for you is the same since the first day I saw you.. it only kept increasing but never faded baby", I said hugging her

"But you said you don't love me that time", she looked at me

"I din't baby, I couldn't even speak to you that day.. after what happened I was getting continues calls from my investors and I drifted to sleep there only unknowingly.. I thought I'll talk to you the next day peacefully but couldn't find you morning..

That's when I found the letter you gave me, and before I could even process what just happened you called me saying you sent me the divorce papers", I said what I knew

"Letter? What letter? I haven't written any letter to you Arjun", she said

"You din't? But I'm sure it's your handwriting.. I can't be mistaken Divi", I said

"But I din't write any Arjun, I went to my friend's home that day coz I.. I don't know, I couldn't stay there when I was feeling suffocated.. and the same night you called me saying you don't.. you don't love me anymore and you want a.. divorce..

I thought you where joking but you where dead.. serious, and the next morning I received divorce.. papers to my home and I din't had another option Arjun, I just signed it and sent it back to you", she cried in my arms

"But Divi, I din't call you at all", I said

"Don't tell me I have gone mad and I stated imagining things Arjun.. we spoke for around fifteen minutes and you can't say you haven't called me", she yelled

"Ok calm down Divi, here have some water" I gave her the glass

She took and drank in a go and I cupped her face wiping her tears!


I don't even know what's happening now. I still remember our conversation that night and he says he never called me?

I sent him divorce coz he asked me to.. and he says I gave him some letter and he didn't have any idea about all this?

"What even happened Arjun?", I whispered

"I don't know Divi, I want to listen to your point of view also.. there's something we both are missing out" he said

"Yeah, it's confusing", I said slowly

"Divi don't worry, I'm there for you ok? We'll find out what actually happened but not now", he said

"Not now?", I asked

"We will talk tomorrow baby, you are already tired and looks exhausted", he said

"But I wanna know now Arjun", I said

Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt