Love At First Sight

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Tonight was the night you'd been waiting for.

You'd finally saved enough money to see Harry Styles in concert. You even got front row seats. You couldn't have been more excited.

You'd been a fan of Harry since 2016 and you'd made a bunch of friends on stan twitter (you were his biggest fan though, obvi). You knew tonight would be special.

You blasted Harry's new album while you and your friends got ready for the event in your bedroom. Everyone was huddled around the mirror, touching up makeup, curling hair, etc. You'd gone out earlier that week and bought a brand new dress just for the occasion. It was short and red with spaghetti straps. It hugged your body in all the right places. Your hair was curled and you'd put on just enough makeup to enhance your beauty.

Your friends laughed and danced along to the music until it was time to go.

Once you'd arrived at the stadium, it was go time. You were taking this night very seriously. Nothing would get in the way of you meeting Harry and having a stereotypical Wattpad romance. It would be love at first sight.

Once your group got to your seats, you were practically buzzing with excitement and counting down the seconds until Harry stepped on stage. You could feel your adrenaline start pumping once the first song started and you saw the curly headed boy emerge.

You and your friends began screaming and jumping and singing along with the rest of the crowd. It felt like a dream. The kind you never wanted to wake up from.

After what felt like an eternity, Harry finally came over to your side of the stage. Your breath caught in your throat. He was so close. You wanted to reach out and wipe the sweat from him. Could practically smell him from here - a delicious combination between rose petals and mint.

Then, it happened. Just what you were hoping for.

He made eye contact with you. Harry Edward Styles, the God among men, was having an intimate moment with you. You swore he looked at you longer than he'd looked at anyone else. As he made his way back to the other side of the stage, you felt pure excitement electrifying every nerve in your body. Things were going exactly according to plan. By now, he was madly in love with you and was already thinking of ways to get you backstage. You glanced around at your friends, hoping they wouldn't be too jealous when they weren't invited.

After what felt like ten seconds of singing and dancing (but was probably more like a half hour), Harry had to take a quick break. You watch him walk offstage. Being in the front row, he was still visible to you, so you kept your eyes on him. It's not every day you get to see the most beautiful human being on Earth in the flesh; not every day you get to be in his presence, to drink up his very essence.

You saw him call a security guard to him and the guard nodded intently. Then, just as you'd predicted, Harry pointed directly at you.

I knew it!!! You thought. He wants to meet me after the show!

You straightened your hair as the security guard waltzed up to your friend group.

"Miss?" Of course he's being so polite, you thought. I am future Mrs. Styles, after all.

"Yes?" you replied sweetly.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Mr. Styles has requested your removal from the concert," he said, a polite smile still on his face.

"What!?" you screeched. Just then, your friends stopped their conversation and turned into what was happening. You felt your cheeks get hot. "Why!?"
"Well, he thinks you're so ugly that it's distracting him from performing, so I'm going to have to escort you out," he told you. You crossed your arms as your friends giggled from behind you.

Darn. Why does this keep happening to me???

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