It felt like hours before Aro signaled Jane to stop.

Jane looks at me with a smug smirk. "This may hurt...just a little."

I look down at Edward's tired body.

Whatever happens,'ll be ok.... as long as he is ok.

I shut my eyes....and then...nothing.

"Remarkable," Aro said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even

realized Jane had begun.janes face scrunched up in contempt.

"Whatever shall we do with you now," Aro said in a sad voice that sounded

clearly fake.

"You already know what you will do," a bored voice called out in response.


"Yes, I suppose you are right," Aro sighs.

Everything went haywire from there. Suddenly Edward is rushing towards me,

only to be thrown across the room by Felix. I stood there, frozen, watching

Edward and Felix fighting.

With a short glimpse gathered what I could get from the speed. Finally, my

brain processed what was happening. Felix slams Edward down onto the

marble stairs, Edward's body starts to crack.

"STOP, TAKE ME, PLEASE STOP!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

No matter my cries, they wouldn't stop when suddenly I hear Alice's voice.

"I know who your mate is! "she shouts.

Everyone stops and turns to look at her. Eventually, Demetri releases Alice,

and she walks up to Aro. before she places her hand in Aro's, she turns to me

and mouths 'sorry.'

I scrunch my brows in confusion. Why would Alice be apologizing to me?

I watch closely as Aro's face contorts into an expression of anger.

"Oh sweet Alice, you knew of my brothers' and I's mate and tried to hide her

from us," Aro growls out.

"Madeline is family. We just wanted her to have a normal life." Edward said

quickly, still pinned by Felix.

"What is this, brother? What have you seen?" The seething blonde vampire

lets out. I believe that is Caius.

Aro let's go of Alice's hand and turned to Marcus and Caius.

"Brothers, I have found our true mate all these years, and we finally have her.

Marcus, look for yourself," Aro chirped eagerly.

Marcus' saddened eyes quickly sparked with glee and desperation. Finally, he

locked eyes with me and frowned.

"You're correct, Aro; we are all mated to the same girl. Unfortunately, our

mate seems to be related to Isabella."

"So what? Once we take her and turn her, it won't belong before she gets over

it." Caius blurts out, annoyed.

"No, we cannot risk damaging our bond with her," Marcus said urgently.

Dangerous Love (Volturi Kings Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora