Musa, Helia, and I found it a long time ago when our mom was still alive. We had come to visit Saladin and watch him teach older students, we were exploring when we found a secret passageway near the back and it lead to this beautiful garden and pond.

We told Saladin about it, and our mom said we should turn it into a secret spot for us to come when we need some space or to calm down, and Helia suggested turning it into a zen garden. Saladin agreed and then the entire family came and we decorated it. Then we told a few people about it, like Riven and Tyler.

Zen Garden

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I walk into the garden and spot Tyler sitting on the bridge by the pond

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I walk into the garden and spot Tyler sitting on the bridge by the pond. I walk over to him and he smiles as he sees my reflection in the water. "Hey," He says giving me a hug, "Hey" I reply. He puts an arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder. "You doing okay?" He asks me, "I hear you've locked yourself in your room," He tells me.

"Same as always, being the queen of a realm isn't easy you know," I say, he lets out a chuckle, "But you're okay?" He asks, "Yeah, so far they haven't driven me crazy" We both laugh and catch up on what we've missed. I've been so busy dealing with the Darkness realm, and he's been training so much we haven't talked since the start of summer.

"There's something on your mind still isn't there?" He asks, I shrug, "I guess so, yeah I guess" I answer. "Why don't you tell someone. You have five siblings Mel. Five. I'm sure one of them could help you" He tells me, "One of them is literally your best friend" He adds. "Yeah but she's so happy, it's her first week at Alfea, I don't want to bother her with problems that aren't even issues," I tell him. 

"What about Musa? Or Helia, they're always understanding, especially when it comes to their younger siblings, I'm sure they'd understand" He says, "They've been worrying enough, they don't need to worry about me even more, they should try and enjoy this year, it's the first year without having to hide the secret" I tell him.

"He turns my head to face him, "Will you at least tell me what's wrong?" He asks, "It's just, what if I mess up? All of my... what do I call them.. subjects? I don't know. They're all evil, and they hate me, if I fail, who knows what they'll do, there are millions of them, maybe even one or two billion. If I don't constantly keep checking in, who knows what'll happen" I explain.

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