New chance in life!

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I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a good while. There was a beeping sound and by the rythm I could tell that it is from my heart beat. I also felt light and didn't had any pain at all. A lingering smell of antiseptic was giving my current whereabouts away.

A white ceiling...

So I survived...

Thank god!

Now I can go back to my mom!

I am pretty sure she is worried about me!

???: Oh deary, you are awake.

The moment I heard a voice, I truned around and looked at the person. It was not any person though. It was Recovery Girl. 

Me: Ohh my god! You are Recovery Girl!

RG: Call me Chiyo deary. 

Me: ah sorry. I am Izuku.

RG: Why are you apologising?

Me: I ahm.. I shouldn't have screamed at you.

RG: It's okay. I am actually happy to see that you are well enough to be able to do that. Besides you like heroes right.

Me: Kinda.

RG: How are you feeling?

Me: Good.

Actually more than good!

If I didn't know it better then I would say that I am dead!

Thinking that I pinched myself lightly and felt the pain.


I am alive!

RG: HAHAHAHA Did you think that this is a dream?

Me: No I was doubting being alive for a moment since I never felt this good before.

RG: Well get used to it since you will feel like this from now on.

Me: I doubt that but thank you!

As I was talking with the nice old lady with a cane in her hand, the door opened and Eraserhead came in. I already talked with him on the phone but seeing him now made me sit up. However RG pushed right back down with the help of her cane.

RG: Don't stand up now.

Aizawa: You heard her problem child.

Me: Thank you for saving me!

Aizawa: No problem.

Seeing him come into the room made me a lot happier since I basically loved heroes and was a huge fanboy. So this was heaven for me. If not two heroes were enought then how about 3? Mic came following in right besides another boy with lilac thair.

Mic: Oh he is awake!

Hitoshi: Hey little brother! I am Hitoshi.

Me: Izuku.


Wait did he say brother?

I am pretty sure my mom didn't adopt anyone.


Why are they looking at me with pit?

What's going on?


Don't tell me something happen to my mother!

Me: Where is my mother?

Mic: Izu... I am sorry she..

Hitoshi: She saved me while you were in the villain base.

Me: Saved you?

Hitoshi: Yeah. I was in the mall and there were 3 villains attacking it. She saved my life in exchange for hers.

Me: ... Mom...

I couldn't cry for some reason. I felt very sad but I couldn't or so I thought when tears already went down my cheek without me notizing it. In the next minute I was hugged by my new brother.

Aizawa: We adopted you seeing as she saved out son. We owe it to her. 

Me: ... Mom really  is gone *Sob*

Hitoshi: I am sorry Izu.

They all hugged me even RG and right after their visit Nezu came in and told me where I really was. I thought it was a hospital since I also was staring at the ceiling but now looking around it made sense that I was in an infirmary of UA.

We both talked a lot and I actually had fun talking with him and theorising thing that I couldn't with my mom. She never could follow my train of thought but he could and it was fun talking to him. At first we talked about a specific hero. I knew that he was only testing how much I knew about them aka my skills but after we started talking there was no end to it and I could see the chimera smile.

Nezu: It was quite fun talking to you but now you should rest.

Me: Likewise. Thanks for spending some time with me.

Nezu: Next time in my office and with some tea.

Me: I would also love to challange you to some chess.

Nezu: We'll do that too. Now rest little puppy.


I am sure he just mispoke something.

It took me a week until RG wanted to let me go and by that time I already beat Nezu in a game of chess a couple of time and the chimera started threatening Aizawa and Mic to let me visit him once a day for 2 hours or else they would regret it. Both of my dads immediately agreed seeing no harm in me talking to him or playing chess.

I also got used to my new life. My new brother took especially care of me. I knew that he felt sorry and wanted to make it up at first wich sucked but now I could tell that it was honestly because he cared for me and not because he felt guilty.

Aizawa also made sure that I would transfer school and wanted to put Bakugo in jail if not for my begging. 

I was also exiting for the next year since Nezu made sure that I would be his private student once that also is part of the hero course without needing to do the excise. I rather would watch them and help my caterpillar of a dad to teach them in their practical classes. My analysis skills were after all that good.

All in all I may have lost an important person to me which I never will forget in my entire life but I also gained a new family and 3 person that cherish me and all because of my bad luck.

I also heard that the villains escaped them and that there were no traces left of them.


A/N: Thanks for reding this and I hope you enjoyed it too! Please excuse all my typos and errors too. I didn't had the time to check over it. 

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