“Close one Cadet, but close will not be enough to save your live in a battlefield. Too bad Capt. Rajveer is not here to personally to teach you. Too bad he is no longer next to you, no longer with you. Right cadet” He said and that made my blood boil. I turned back toward the target, shot and hit the eye. I than turned toward Maj. Nair and handed him the gun.  “You are mistaken Maj. Nair.” I said

“What?” He questioned shocked, and I turned to look at the face of my friends who had the same exact look on their faces.

“I mean when I am in the battle field I will not be fighting for my life but for the respect for our country, and your second statement. Major Nair, just because someone is not next to you doesn’t mean they are not with you. Keep that in mind from now on…sir”. I said smoothly as I watch horror and anger cross Major. Nair’s face. I could tell he wanted to say and do a lot but all he manage to say was “Dismiss” and all he managed to do was leave the field.

“Let’s go foolan.” Huda said and we went back to the mess.

      We grabbed our lunch and headed toward the table where the 6 first year cadets-Vidiya, Akriti, Purvi, Rummy, Markand (Mala), and Peter.

“Wassup” Yudi said in his regular weird tone, while the rest of us just shook our head at his child like behavior.  We all settled down and started eating.

“I haven’t seen Capt. Abhimanyu’s for a few hours. Do any of you know where he is?” Akriti questioned, casually while eating her food, but no one missed the little twinkle in her eyes when she mentioned Capt. Abhimanyu’s name.

“Oh ho, looks like someone is missing their miss call.” Pooja teased nudging her with her elbows, and the entire table laughed, when Akriti blushed a little but hid it.

“Naina can Vidiya ask you a question?” Vidiya asked

“You don’t need to get permission Vidiya. We are friends now” I said

“OK. Vidiya was just wondering why you always have that watch on. I mean it kind of looks like a man’s watch, plus I have never seen you without it so Vidiya thought she would ask” Vidiya said, and I felt all the pairs of eyes glued to me.

“This watch is special to me, because it is the first and the last gift Rajveer sir ever gave me.” I answered and felt tears forming in my eyes as I remember us exchanging our gifts. Only god knows how nervous I was when I was giving him the watch.

“So the rumors about you and Capt. Rajveer sir is true?” Peter questioned and bit his tough when he realized what he had said. Rummy slapped him in the back of his head and gave me an apology look.

“Had Lt. Vansh gave you anything you treasure?” I questioned and Alkeh gave me an approving nod.

“Yeah he did. Something very special to me” Vidiya answered

“What was that?” Pooja questioned, but realized how rushed and inappropriate her question sounded so she added “Just curious.”

“It ok. You know how guys usually give girls jewelry and cloths and other stuff in the wedding, but not Vansh. He gave Vidiya a pocket knife the morning of our weeding, and told Vidya to keep it with Vidiya all the time.” She said and y friend and I gave each other knowing glances. We knew we hid jackpot. The knife defiantly had something. Conversation started to die out as we focused on eating, when suddenly Yudi spoke up.

“Guys Lala is on TV.” Yudi said pointing toward the TV.

“What is he up to now?” I heard Alekh murmur.

“Orderly turn the volume up” Ali said and we focus our attention to the TV. Lala covered the screen o the TV.

“I am here on the behalf of the India Defense Ministry to make an announcement. After some very close studies the ministry has decided to close down some Military academy and some regiment as they take up useless money. Our country is already suffering from an economy downturn and we cannot afford to spend money on something in which the youth of today and the future of tomorrow aren’t interested in. The academies closing down will include the Jaipur military and Air force academy, Mumbai military academy, Delhi costal guard academy, Kolkata Air force training and Costal guard training Academy, Goa Navy academy, and Kanchanjunga military Academy.  Many of the army regiments. Thank you.” With that lala’s picture disappeared from the TV screen. Horror and shock crossed our face.

“Why is minister sir doing this?” Mala thought out loud. Just as I was preparing to answer an order came up to our table.

“Cadet Singh you have a call from Capt. Abhimanyu” The orderly said and left. Everyone at the table gave a questioning look, but I just shrugged and went to receive the call.

“Hello.” I said as I picked up the phone, located on the other side of the mess.

“Cadet Singh Rajveer collapsed once again. We can’t reach his doctor. Bring Dr. Shalini and come immediately.” Colonel Chandra’s voice said from the other side.

I dropped the receiver and ran toward Dr. Shalini’s office.

My note

Hey Everyone

     If you cannot tell the story is about to hit its climax. The cadets are going to discover a whole bunch, and there is going to be some secret love affairs and some action. This is the time when I am going to need all your support, so please comment your opinions. I will upload next….when I upload next. I guess that’s it. Until next time, keep reading, keep loving RN and keep smiling.

Lots of love


Rajveer Naina-Rebirth of loveWhere stories live. Discover now