
We walked around the park for hours talking and making each other laugh, I felt like myself again. It was getting dark so I wanted to ask the big question now, it's risky to ask because if she says no I'm going to get broken and never going to love anyone again.

We stop near the lake that was in the middle of the park, I face her and hold her close to me as she smiles at me and looks me with her gorgeous eyes. "Bella?" I say, "yes", she says back. "This is gonna sound crazy but my heart is telling my to ask you this question." I said, her faces getting frightened by my words.

I look straight to her eyes and just asked it, "would you be able to try something between us, like a relationship?" I ask squinting my eyes away from her face frightened for what her answer will be.

I look back at her as she had no expression her face and cut off the silence, "H-Harry, I really don't know what to say. I would say yes but we met a week ago and I don't want to rush into things, and I still don't know if I can trust you." She said with a frown growing on her face.

I let go of her as I sigh and laughed with sadness, "yeah, I figured that would be the answer. It was stupid of me asking. How would such an idiot get a beautiful girl like you, there was a 0% chance." I say rubbing my hands on my face.

Bella's POV

I wanted to cry when Harry said those words to me, I wanted to be with him but we met a week ago, and I'm still scared of him. And when he told me I was beautiful I want to jump into his hands and kiss the fuck out of him.

Harry walked away and left me heartbroken, I wanted to run after him but he would just push me away. Once he left I stayed in the spot he asked me to date him and dropped to the floor crying.

It was getting really dark so I called Sami to come and pick me up, she came and drove to the dorms. I thank her and walked to my dorm, I walk in my dorm and take of my shoes.

I cried for hours thinking of his words, I glanced at the flowers he had given me earlier. I took them out of the vase and cried into them, I was stupid of choosing the wrong answer.

He is perfect in my eyes, but I'm still frightened by him cause I'm scared if he's anything close to my father.

I didn't sleep that night, I stayed up spacing out and thinking of Harry. I cried most of the hours, I couldn't stay in my dorm all night or else I'll faint from the heat that was trapped in there.

I got up to put my shoes on and walk around the campus to try to get my mind stable again.
Instead of clearing my mind it made it worse, I had to see Harry now.

I run back to my dorm to get my keys and drive to Harry's apartment as I remember the way to his house.

I cried the whole drive repeating the words "I'm so sorry Harry." Once I got there I run  up the stairs and got to his door, I knock the door.

A few minutes later Harry opens the door looking like a mess, his eyes all puffy from crying, His eyes red, His shirt wet that smelled like alcohol.

I cried once I saw him, I jump into his arms repeating the words, "I'm so sorry." I let go of him as he pulls me in his apartment and closes the door.

I paste back and forth spiting out words that's no one could understand, "woah! Woah! Slow down Bella your gonna overheat and faint." Harry said trying to calm me down.

He goes to the kitchen to bring a glass of water as I sit on the couch still crying, he comes back with it and he whipped his tears.

I look up at him as I take the glass of water and said, "I'm so sorry" I take a sip of water and put it down on the coffee table in-front of me.

Harry sits beside me and I rush to hug him tightly and never wanted to let go, "sorry for what, saying the truth" he said sadly.

I look up at him as I shake my head, "no. For not trusting you. I'm such an idiot, the whole time I couldn't see that you were the perfect boy to me. It's just that- I'm scared of you." He removes his hands off me to break the hug and turn his body towards me.

He looks straight through my soul, "what are you so scared of?!" He said, slightly shouting.

I brush my heart back with frustration and started to laugh with sadness, "I DON'T KNOW HARRY, I'm scared to trust any boy anymore. Not after my father-" I cut myself off.

Harry takes my hands into his, "what about your father?" He asked. I look up at him and straight into those gorgeous eyes.

I shake my head not able to share that information with him yet, "I can't tell you, I need time." He nods and brings me close to him.

He kisses my head and hugs me tightly, "I'm gonna show you who I am tomorrow and show you that you can trust me and don't have to be scared of me anymore." He said, I nod as I eventually slept in his arms.

Harry's POV

Once I saw Bella at the door with tears falling down her face, I wanted to drop to the floor and sob at the sight the whole time.

But before I could say anything, she jumps into my arms and started to say that she was sorry.

I told her that I was gonna show her who I really am, and I'm actually going to do that, I need her trust. I WANT HER TRUST, she's the only girl I truly did love.

She slept in my arms after the words I spoke, I pick her up so she would sleep in my bed comfortable. I lay her down and tuck her in.

I couldn't sleep so I grabbed my jacket and headed outside to stand next to the balcony so I could think straight.

I couldn't live knowing she's not going to be mine forever, I need to try my best so she would see the real me.

I have energy and felt like posting another chapter!
Hope you liked it
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All the luv S. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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