Random argument

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Back at the KFC...

"So you're saying that this KFC is very special because it spreads across different fandoms and universes, and basically anyone from anywhere can come and eat at this KFC with characters from a whole different dimension?" Berdly questioned.

"Yep! You can make friends from whole different worlds here! Isn't it nice having a job with us?" Nyan Cat replied.

"Well, actually-" Berdly was cut off by Squidward's question.

"How many more of these pixelated characters are we gonna have? I'm getting sick of them!" Squidward asked, while rolling his eyes.

"Squidward, that isn't very nice! If you don't like pixelated characters then just keep it to yourself and get on with your life." Leafy snapped at Squidward.

"Leafy, you're not even pixelated so stay out of this." Squidward stated.

"What's with the sass?" Shrek questioned.

"You guys are just overreacting. I'm going back to take some more orders and ACTUALLY do my job, not like you guys, who think that some other random person who suddenly showed up is better then some actual cash that could get you a life." Squidward said, while turning his back and walking away.

Everyone watched him leave. Nyan Cat looked back at Berdly and stated:
"Sorry, Squidward's not very good with newcomers."

"Its, umm... It's alright. I guess I'll just have to, umm... Learn how to handle having a job with him.... Or something....." Berdly replied, feeling nervous. He didn't want to be rude to his 'new friends,' because it felt like he couldn't afford to loose them. It seemed to be hard to be 'nice.'

The Manager walked towards everyone.

"Berdly, I forgot to tell you that you're going to work at the cashiers today with Squidward and Luna, but Luna isn't here right now, so it'll just be you and Squidward for now until Luna gets back." The Manager announced.

"Oh great." Berdly replied.

Berdly gets a job at KFC (A Crossover Between Deltarune, BFB, Spongebob, +more)Where stories live. Discover now