When The Tables Turn Dean Winchester X Vampire!Reader

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So yeah, hey, another important AU at the end....


More running

More panting

Stopping to feed

Sleeping in a dumpster

More running

Endless running

Dwindling food, yet more murder

Will the life of a nest less vampire ever have some peace?

You hated it, all those hundreds of years ago when you sold your delicate body to a rich and sex hungry 'politician' for money. But he turned out to be a vampire, and he yearned for a sweet maiden's pure and innocent blood. And boom, you turned and you never found a nest, but was always targeted by them. The weak loner you were so named by others scraped on dead rats and rodents, never taking any human blood.

Until now.

Up until a hundred years ago you would never think of taking a human life in your quest for blood. But then it got to the point when you though of sucking yourself dry than for an alternative to human blood. So you waited and waited until someone died, went and sucked what little was left from the corpse. But you go curious until the insanity controlled you for a split second and you sunk your teeth into the warm flesh of a young man.

Then you couldn't stop. So that's why you have been running, from hunters, other vamps, and the common fat police officers.

Now it was those rumored Winchesters, Sam and Dean. They followed you a few times, but they got side tracked by a demon named Crowley, and multiple other traps you may or may not have set up. You would always follow them around the country, not having a nest and not caring who really saw you. You just wanted a good story to follow, and they seemed pretty intriguing. But they were back on your trail, and they haven't slowed down. You hadn't had a chase like this in quite sometime, though it was quite thrilling for you.

"Idiots." You muttered, silently padding along the rooftops. You tricked the Winchesters by leaving a fresh kill of animal by a dumpster and heading the opposite direction.

You usually did this, but it didn't work today, as you saw them run along side you, just on the ground below you. They periodically (A Long Periodalically Time) glanced up at you to make sure you were still there.

"Tch." (Levi? Soul? Ciel? We will never know...)Losing them would be harder than you thought.

Just as you jumped down to knock out, not kill, those pesky Winchesters, what? You had a knack for em', plus they were cute and gave you some company even if it meant them hunting you. But yet another threat jumped between you. A nest of even nastier vamps landed right in the middle of your chase. You had been to busy focusing and deluding the boys that you failed to notice the nest creep up on you.

"Well well well. Our next two targets in one convenient spot. Perfect." The head female vamp purred, a grin stretched across her face.

"It wouldn't be that easy, slut." You spit, crossing your arms.

She gasped and turned towards you. "Bitch!"


The vamp had a hard time finding an insult so she just grumped and crossed her arms. "Well I'm much better than you so fuck off."

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