Chapter 17

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And let’s continue……

----Your POV----

We walked out of the showcase, cheering for Hiro. “Unbelievable!” Fred said to Hiro. We walked farther down the stairs. “All right, geniuses, let’s feed those hungry brains. Back to the café, dinner is on me!” aunt Cass said and she pointed at herself. “Yes! Nothing is better than free food! Unless it’s gross.” Fred cheered really happy. “Aunt Cass? We’ll… we’ll catch up, okay?” Tadashi said while Hiro made me stand next to him.  “I’m so proud of you!” aunt Cass said and she did a sort of happy dance. It looked really funny. “All three of you!”  she said and hugged us really tight. “Thanks, aunt Cass.” We all said. Tadashi started walking away to somewhere and Hiro and I followed him.

We ended up on a bridge. “I know what you’re going to say.” Hiro started “I should be proud of myself, because I’m finally using my gift for something important.” Hiro imitated Tadashi. I laughed at it. “No, no. I was just gonna tell your fly was down for the whole show.” Tadashi told Hiro. I didn’t notice, maybe because I was looking at Hiro and not at his pants. “Ha-ha-hilarious.” Hiro said and now he looked down at his pants. “What?” he asked surprised and he put his fly up. Now I couldn’t keep it anymore and laughed really hard. Hiro slapped Tadashi and then  he looked at me. “What’s so funny?” he asked with a bit of played hurt in his voice. “What wouldn’t be funny? Is it wrong that I’m laughing at something funny?” I asked Hiro and I looked at him. He just shrugged it off and stood beside Tadashi.

We all looked at the building before us. “Welcome to nerd school, nerd” Tadashi said playfully. I smiled at it. “Hey, I, um… I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. So, you know, thanks for not giving up on me.” Hiro said to Tadashi. “No problem.” Tadashi said and he went his face to me. “No that Hiro is in, I promised to tell you something for him. So-“ Tadashi got cut off by an alarm sound in the distant. We looked around and behind us, and saw smoke coming from the showcase. We started running towards it.

When we came there, we saw that the building was on fire. We ran forward to a woman. “Are you okay?” Tadashi asked the woman. “Yeah. I’m okay. But professor Callaghan is still in there.” The woman said and she pointed at the building. (she is the real bad guy from the movie)

Tadashi started running towards the building. I grabbed his wrist. “Tadashi, No!” I screamed to him. I looked at him begging. Tadashi looked at me and then at the building. “Callaghan is in there. Someone has to help.” “But you don’t need to. I don’t want to lose you too, not like my parents.” I looked at him pleading and hoping that him would turn around.

But he didn’t. I let him go with tears in my eyes, looking at his silhouette running to the fire, to the building, to Callaghan. I ran towards him, I wanted to stop him, but after a few steps my knees couldn’t hold my body longer. I just saw my brother, my family run into the fire. Hiro ran too, and he could come farther, but when the building exploded, fell he also on the ground. I saw glass and stones flying around me, but I didn’t care.

I stood up and walked to Hiro, walked pass him, and wanted to walk farther. The person I saw like my brother died, so why would I live? I set another step but I felt something grab me. “(Y/n), please don’t….” Hiro said and he looked at me, begging to stop. I fell again, on my knees and stared crying more. “Hiro, Tadashi. Why? Why didn’t he stop? Why did he have to go? Why didn’t he listen?” I asked while I was crying. Hiro hugged me. He puts Tadashi’s cape on my head. “I don’t know, (Y/n), I don’t know.”  



So what do you think?

It is a bit short, but I hope you don't mind.

The next chapter is the funeral. Any sad  songs for me to listen to?

Question of the chapter:

What is your favourite device?

The birthday one-shot is coming after the funeral.

Now to all my readers a blue cookie *Hands out blue cookies*


Till the next time (^_^)/ Asja

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