Part. : 5

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After the packup.
Param :let's go jetty it will be a fun and it was near from the ipzn set.
Rajat,shagun and lakshay said yes why not .but akshita didn't replied.
Param :we know you are very good actor but it not work all the time golu 😜.
Param :hold her shoulder from back then he turn her and drag toward the car . And he open the car gate for her .
Rajat :what's happening (kya ho rhea hai )
Param:rajat at least not here while akshita smile.
Rajat:see i made her smile with this lame joke
Akshita was sitting in front seat and all three of them were in back seat .
Rajat:param i have an idea .we'll throw akshita from the ships .
Param: laught
Akshita:saw param laughing. She made a angry face look .
Param: by touching her face . Don't be tensed we'll not throw you . Because we have only one unique piece and that's you .
All of them start laughing 😂
Shagun: guys stop it you guys always tease her .
Param:by seeing her said ohhhhhh😮😮
Rajat:akshita you'll not doing ohhhh😜 o my god she is serious
Param:rajat stop . Now it's too much .ok fine akshita we were just kidding while he pull her cheeks.
Akshita: don't pull my cheeks .
Param: you be so angry on me .
Param: just with me
Akshita: ya
Param:that's not fair rajat was also irritating you
Akshita:but i am close with you .so you should care that she will be angry
Rajat :start coughing after listening close word
Akshita: rajat don't cough too much take this water bottle. She opened the bottle then she give to him
Rajat: As he hold the bottle akshita press it hardly which cause the water to fall up and his pant got wet .
Akshita: rajat I have told you that don't do such things in public. There are washrooms for it .Shame on you . Because the water looking like he has done pee in his pant 😂
Rajat :akshita i will not leave you for this
All three of them start laughing like a crazy people
param: ok guys stop laughing . I am driving and you guys are diverting my mind . And akshita sit straight .
Akshita:innocently move straight by controlling her laugh.
Param : guys be serious rather than our plan will be changed from jetty to god .
Rajat : bro please don't say these things . Even I don't have any girlfriend .first I have to found any girl for me then i have to do so many projects and you are taking about to go to god that's not fair dude by making innocent face 🙁
Param:stop the car . have you done with your melodrama so please get it of the care .we have arrived to the jetty .
Rajat:showed eyes to eyes that mean he wiil take revenge (in joke way )
Akshita :😛
They all went to ship . They all were standing in the middle of the ship like that picture by making a group where was no barrier in middle to hold it . Rajat went little back and abruptly hold her shoulder and push her little while holding her shoulder thus this action scared her and she turn back to see that person while she loose her balance and she was about to fall .

Precape: is she fall on water or else what ?
What will be param's reaction 🤔

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Thank you 😊

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