Chapter 19

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Bo-Bae Pov

After she walked out, I realized that she left her phone. I picked it up and opened it.

I gasped when I saw a picture of Si-A there as her wallpaper. It was a picture of Si-A and her.

"She likes Si-A?"


Hwa-Young Pov

I was in class sitting next to U-Young. We're supposed to make some experiment but U-Young and I were completely clueless.

That's when Bo-Bae walked to me. "Hwa-Young, you left this behind." She said and gave me my phone. "Oh, thanks." I said as I took it from her hand.

Then we heard Si-A screamed and a glass broke. U-Young and I turned our heads to her. I quickly stood up and ran to her. "Gosh, why did you grabbed it with your bare hand?" I said as I looked at her hand.

"Come with me." I said as I grabbed her hand and brought her to the sink. "I'll go clean it up. Cool it down and go to the nurse's room." I said as I ran water on her hand.

I kneeled down to the ground ready to  clean the floor up, when Ji-ho walked to me. "Move aside. I got this." He said as he kneeled down as well.

"Oh, thanks Ji-ho." I said and smiled. "Why are you thanking me?" He asked as he looked at me. "What?" I said as I looked at him confusingly.

"Is something going on?" The teacher asked as he walked in the room with Ja-Seong behind him. "No, nothing." Ji-ho replied.


"Hwa-Young!" U-Young said as he ran to me panting. "Here. Use this to treat Si-A." He said as he gave me a burn dressing and a bandage.

"Why me?" I asked but he quickly ran from me. I sighed and that's when I saw Si-A walking alone. "Si-A." I said as I walked to her.

"What?" She asked. "Have a seat." I replied and pointed to one of the benches.

"What?" She asked again as we sat down. "Give me your hand." I said as I grabbed her hand. "What are you doing? I said I'm fine. It's nothing." She said.

"Nothing, my foot. What if you end up getting a scar? Burns always leave scars. Look it's already blistered." I said as I studied her finger.

I took the burn dressing and put a bit on her finger then the bandage. "You don't have to." She told me. "Of course I do." I smiled.

"Is that better?" I asked her. "Yes. Thank you, Hwa-Young." She said and I smiled.


Si-A's Pov

I was almost done with my shift. I was cleaning the table, then Bo-Bae walked in.

"Oh, hey Bo-Bae." I said. She looked at me with a sad expression. "What is it? Something wrong?" I asked her. "Si-A, what do you think of Hwa-Young?" She asked me all of a sudden.

"Hwa-Young? Wait do you like her?" I asked. " I can't like her anymore." She said while looking down. "Why not?" I asked. "She likes you." She said which made my eyes widen slightly.


Hwa-Young Pov

After school, it was raining again. I just walked in the rain with my hood. But it definitely didn't helped because I was all wet.

Then I saw an umbrella on top of me. When I turned around, I saw Si-A. So I looked down at her since she's shorter than me.

"What are you doing? You could get sick." She said. "I didn't know what else to do." I replied. "Come on let's walk home together. Then Ill let you borrow my umbrella." She said.

I nodded as we walked together to her house. When we made it, she told me "Let's get inside. I'll get you clean clothes." She said and dragged me inside.

"U-Young? What are you doing here?" I asked when I saw him. "What are you doing here? I was just about to go home." He said. "Did hung out with Si-U?" Si-A asked him.

"Ah, y-yes." He answered nervously. "I'll go now. Bye!" He said and ran out. Once he's out Si-A spoke up.

"You wanna wear my clothes?" She asked. "I don't know. I think that'll be too small." I said. "Okay. Don't worry. I'll let you borrow Si-U's clothes then." She said and walked away.

When she came back, she had a white clean t-shirt and some black jeans. "Here." She said as she passed me the clothes. "Thanks." I said and started to unbuttoning my shirt.

"Woah! What are you doing!?" She asked as she held my hand to stop me. "What?" I asked confusingly. "Nevermind. I'll be in my room." She said and walked to her room.

As I was done, I knocked on her door. "Si-A, I'll get home now." I said through the door. "Okaygethomesafely." She said quickly. I looked confused but shrugged it off.

I took my wet clothes and walked home.


Chapter 19 ✅
Short chapter

𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 홍시아Where stories live. Discover now