The starting point want from good to bad

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"It started when the federation broke the treaty. They took over Miami. We had to try to keep the hospital under our control. But on the sixth night the federation knew that we couldn't keep it up. We had to take the several people out of there. And that is what we call Ghost. And that one person is Rorke." Elias said. "You possibly can't believe that do you dad?" Hesh asked. "That's how the legend goes son." Elias said. Hesh started to laugh. "Come on Logan, and Hesh let's go ahead and head home." He said.

"Alright dad." I said. We got up and started to head home. The ground shooked. "A little tremor. You know boys that, it used to scared the hell out of your mother." Elias said laughing. The ground shooked again. "Dad, what is going on?" I asked. "It's O.D.I.N. Boys head home now." Elias said. "But, dad, what is O.D.I.N?" Hesh asked. "Not now Hesh, we need to go back to the house to make sure nothing is destroyed." Elias said as he started to run. I start to run as will. "Hesh, what the hell is going on? What is O.D.I.N?" I asked.

"I don't know Logan." Hesh said. "Watch out for the incoming truck." Elias said as he took a step to the side. We took a step to the side as well. "Boys, I'm gonna go get the truck, you go to the house." Elias said. "Alright, let's go Logan." Hesh said. "I'm coming." I said. We ran to the house. "Climb over here Logan." Hesh said. "Alright." I said. I climbed over.

"Hurry Logan." He said. "I'm coming." I said as I got into the house. The house shooked. "You know what. We're not going to die here. Let's go find dad." Hesh said. We ran to the back door. "Damn it. It's jam. Logan help me open the door." Hesh said. "Ok." I said as I put my shoulder on the door. We opened the door and stumbled out. "We have to hurry. Let's go Logan." Hesh said. "Ok." I said as I started to run.

We keep running. "We have to go through that house." Hesh said. We jumped down and ran into the other end and out the door. "INCOMING!" Hesh said as a semi-truck came towards us. I was blown back. And I blacked out for a second. "Logan!?" Hesh said as our dad truck came into view. "Boys are you alright?" Elias asked as he got out of the truck.

"Yeah, we're fine. Just Logan got thrown back and got knocked out." Hesh said. I started to cough and started to wake up again. "Get him in the truck." Elias said. Hesh lifted me up. Our dad came and helped. "You're going to be ok son." Elias said.

They lifted me into the bed of the truck and Hesh came in with me. "We're going to be ok Logan." Hesh said. My mind is still blurry so I just nodded and I looked back and saw the damage.

----A few years later----

"Riley come." Hesh said. "We just going to get ready for the next mission." I said to the general. "Alright." He said. We headed to the gun room. "Here, choose your weapon." Hesh said. "Ok." I said. I choose an AK 12 rifle, and a handgun. Hesh choose the same thing.

"Logan, go get Riley ready." Hesh said. "Ok." I said as I grabbed Riley by the scoff of the neck to make him follow then I let him go. I put the things on him. "Hesh, he's ready." I yelled. "Ok, let's go and do the mission." Hesh said. I nodded and I followed.

We went to the place and waited for the mission to start. "Logan you should get some rest." Hesh said. "Alright, sounds good." I said as I leaned against the wall and close my eyes. Hesh started to throw the tennis ball against the wall and Riley trying to catch the ball.

---30 minutes later---

"Alpha team. This is Bravo 298 Do you copy." Bravo 298 said. "This is Alpha team leader Hesh. I copy Bravo 298, what you need." Hesh said. "We need to regroup. We have company." Bravo 298 said. "Affirmative, we're on our way." Hesh said as Riley started to bark. "What is going on Hesh?" Bravo 298 asked.

"May I ask who I'm talking to?" Hesh asked. "This is Sam." Sam said. "To answer your question, Riley just heard something. Meet up at the North." Hesh said. "Affirmative, on our way. Let us know what the noise was." Bravo 298 said. "Understood. Alpha team out." Hesh said as he ended the channel.

I started to wake up. "Sorry, that I didn't wake you. Thought you needed the sleep." Hesh said. I nodded. "It's fine. Let's go see what Riley is barking at." I said standing up. "Grab your gear. Keep ready shoot on my command." Hesh said. "Affirmative." I said as I grabbed my gear and kept my gun ready.

"Through here." Hesh said as he started to cut through some fabric. I want in through. "I'll keep the lead." I said. "Always figured that you were the one who meet danger head on." Hesh said with a laugh. "Yup, I don't like being in the back." I said as I walked up the damage.

We walked into the door and saw two deer. I shot one in the leg by a mistake. "Opps. I got scared by the movement." I said. "Don't worry its fine, I did to." Hesh said. "I guess Riley got hungry. There's nothing good to eat out here boy." Hesh said. "Alpha team come in." Bravo 298 said. "This is Alpha team Hesh speaking. What you need Bravo 298 Sam?" Hesh asked.

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