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As Edward shows Jacob a full bag of blood for Bella, "So this is really the last bag..." Jake gets called down, so they discuss needing to be strong for Bella tomorrow. "Why can't your tamed mutt bring you more food?!" Jacob growled, "You guys are the enemy now in Sam's eyes. He won't hesitate to kill you." Edward argues back that Loki can't keep hunting for them; it's taking a toll on the wolf.

   Jasper quickly comes in and defends his partner in crime, "he ain't safe either. They've tried to kill him as well. They almost got him the last herd he brought in. I ain't losin' him! And don't call him a mutt! Ya wet dog!!!" Loki carefully gets up from touching Bella's belly, rushes in, and is by Jasper's side in seconds. Growling, with his ears tucked back, not knowing what's going on but not liking how upset Jasper smells or how loud his voice is. They decide that Jacob will distract the others. While Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, and Loki go out and hunt. Jasper stands on the porch, staring at the forest line, worried for his pup. His mate, Alice, comes up and rubs his back and shoulder before resting her head on Jasper.

🕯️ ͟͟͞͞➳🕷🕯️

Loki stays beside Esme because she's the slowest of the bunch when hungry. Two shifters start chasing them, and trip Esme, she tumbles down the small hill. Loki pounces on the shifter, causing them to tumble behind the family matriarch. They are not only on MY territory, the two shifters surrounding her, Loki jumps between her and the invaders, baring his teeth as he growls, baring his canines at them. Now, moving back to stand over her protectively, the vampire was not used to seeing this vicious and aggressive wolf above her. But now they threaten MY pack!! I'll kill them!! No one will touch her or anyone else in my pack without consequences. That's when Emmett knocks both of them over, and they escape over the river, accidentally leaving Loki behind.

   As the two shifters howl to alert the others, their howl gets cut off short. Loki knocks into them, looking for the alpha, and sees that neither of them is the alpha. He pins one down, baring his teeth, his black ears against his head, waiting for them to submit to him. Before leaving, he hunts down a deer for Jasper, dragging the deer back with his brown eyes trained on the shifters. The wolves watch how determined he is to keep the vampires alive, confusing them greatly. As they carefully inch towards where they hope Sam is to report what happened.

   Arriving at the house, Loki drops the deer and howls for Jasper. The vampire gets there within milliseconds, seeing the deer and then his best friend, venomed. Tears fill his charcoal eyes, touched by how the wolf he's grown so attached to also cares for him. As he pulled away and looked into the pup's brown eyes, he couldn't help but notice how much of a resemblance the young wolf had to Shadow. Checking him over and realizing the black wolf's matted and dirty fur, Jasper quickly has his meal and brings Loki in for a bath. After cleaning and drying him up, Jasper brings out Shadow's bed and lays him on the bed. Loki gets up and grabs Edward's shirt, which smells like Shadow's bed, and lays it near the pillow. As they both get situated, they tune into the chaos upstairs. Bella had her baby, but Loki could hear her heartbeat slow down drastically. Hearing a baby cry, Loki sits up quickly, watching Rosalie take the baby off to the bathtub he was just in.

   Once the baby is all cleaned up, Loki slowly walks toward Rose and tries to smell the baby. Rosalie jerks away from him, causing him to growl lowly. Jasper gets up quickly, "he's jus' curious, Rose. Let 'em sniff. If he's familiar with all of our scents, it'll be easier for him to protect us." Rose sits back down and rocks Renesmée, stopping to let Loki sniff her. Jasper chuckles, "He feels very proud and protective."

   Lying by the fire, Loki watches Rose cradle the infant; he feels calm. The human girl did well. Feeling a sudden shift in the air, Loki stands up and readies himself. Running outside, he knows those wolves are on his territory again. This time he won't back down, Edward, Alice, and Jasper all go outside and comment on how outnumbered they are.

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