Chapter 3 - Pointing Fingers

Comenzar desde el principio

I sighed in frustration. I had no choice but to ask someone. And by someone, I meant a hot girl.

I spotted a girl with red hair wearing a short dress by her locker. I grinned and walked over to her.

"Hello, there," I said flirtatiously. "Look, I'm new here and was wondering-"

I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I sighed and turned. A tall, beefy guy was glaring down at me.

"Get the hell away from my sister, asshole," the guy snapped.

"I'm good," I said. I turned back around and smiled flirtatiously at the girl. "Now, as I was saying-"

A hand gripped my shoulder and I reacted quickly. I turned around and gave the guy a hard shove. He staggered a little but didn't fall.

"Ooh!" a few kids said as a small hiddle began to form around me and the guy.

Just as the fight was just about to start, a whistle blew.

"What is going on here?" a woman said. She pushed her way into the crowd.

She was wearing a bright orange vest. She must've been one of those yard duties or whatever that "patrolled the schools".

"What's going on?" she asked, looking from me, to the guy.

"Nothing, Ms.Weaver," he said. He pointed at me. "He started it."

"Wow, very mature," I said, smirking. I pointed at him. "I can point too."

"You, come with me," Ms.Weaver said to me.

I sighed. The good thing coming out of this was that I'd be able to find my way to the office, since that's where I was heading.

I walked into the cold office behind Ms.Weaver. The office staff eyed me curiously.

"You must be new," a blonde lady at the front desk said.

"Yes, I'm Troy King," I said. "And I did nothing wrong, but I was brought here anyways." I glared at Weaver.

"I'm sure Ms.Weaver was just trying to help you find your way to the office."

"Actually, I caught him and that Ryan boy trying to start a fight in the hall," Weaver said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, since you're new here, Mr.King," the secretary said," I am going to let you slide." She handed me two stapled papers. "The one on top is your schedule and the second page is a school map. But the school's pretty small so you won't really need it. And I'm Megan, by the way. The school secretary. And I hope I won't be seeing you much in the office unless it's for a positive reason, right?"

I nodded. The bell rang.

"Damn it!" I hissed under my breath.

"Excuse me?" Weaver said, narrowiing her eyes at me.

"You're excused," I said with a smirk. I already hated Weaver, and I'm sure she felt the same.

"I guess I've got to head to class." I sighed. I walked out of the office and looked at me schedule.

Mr.Sexton, A.P History was my first period.

"Great," I grumbled. I groaned and looked around. Where was the E wing? I hadn't even found my locker yet. I looked at me schedule. Locker 213 was mine. I'd have to find that later.

"You look lost," a voice said from behind me. A girl's voice.

I turned and smiled when I saw a hot blonde standing in front of me. She was tall and was wearing a green sweatshirt that read: Lawrence Hill Cougars V-ball! And she had short shorts on. I liked her already.

"I'm Kaitlen," she said. "Call me Kat." She held her fist out instead of her hand.

I pumped my fist with hers.

"I'm Troy," I said.

"Cool, so who do you have first period?" Kat asked.

"Mr. Sexton, A.P. History," I answered with a smirk.

"Yeah, his name is funny," Kat said. "He is too. He's one of the coolest teachers on campus. The other one is Mrs. Price, the choir teacher. I've got A.P. History first period too, so I'll walk you there."

"Cool." I walked side by side with Kat. "So, you're a v-ball player?" I said as we walked up some steps.

Some kid ran past us, holding an arm load of books.

"Yep," Kat said. "I'm lovin' it. You play any sports?"

"Football. I might try out for that opening after school on the team."

"You should. Your ass would look good in football pants."

I was shocked. No girl who I'd ever met had ever said that aloud to me. Especially if we'd just met. This girl was definately different. I like that.

We stopped walking when we got to room E14. Kat opened the door and we walked in. All eyes glued onto us.

"New kid!" Kat shouted. She grinned at me, probably noticing the slight awkwardness I was getting at the stares everyone was giving me.

"Thank you, Miss Davis," a short, bald man said from his desk. "We didn't notice."

The class chuckled. Kat sat down in a desk in the front of the class. She was probably there because the teacher didn't trust her in the back.

"Hey," I said to Mr.Sexton.

He nodded.

"Please, sit anywhere you like," he said, smiling.

I took the empty seat right next to Kat.

"Great choice," she whispered loudly to me, winking.

I grinned. This was going to be an interesting friendship.

* How was this chapter?? Please leave comments on what you think! Sorry it wasn't much, I just wanted to get something out for you Amazing readers!! :D Anyways, vote and comment, and ENJOY please!!! And p.s., the chapter name is stupid, I know XD*

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