2 - this is definitely a crime

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"Why not? It's part of the full high school experience, get that diamond up and out of your ass, Cameron, let her have a little fun!" Auntie defended my side of the argument, as usual, causing Dad to roll his eyes.

"She's not going to that game. A fight is bound to happen, and she's too impulsive to not join in on that 'fun'," he added in air quotes at the end just to spite me.

"Wow, I wonder where she gets that from!?"Their sibling dynamic is an envy to me. "Remember that one time, back in '81, where you got so-"

"Are you about to blackmail me, Peters?"

"You can't say my last name in vain, dingus, we share it. But that's not the point. My point is that I'm pretty sure you remember that one night in '81 where you got out of your mind drunk-"

"You're blackmailing an officer of the law, this has to be a crime-"

"-And you got so unbelievably drunk that you thought one guy looked like Ferris-"

"Don't say this one in front of her-"

"-And he got into a bar fight with someone else, and-"


"Dad, don't tell Auntie to shush-"

"-And you started to-"

"This is definitely a crime."

"Maybe, but she'll hear this full story in explicit detail if you don't let her go."

He turned away from both of us, and I sat down at the kitchen table, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"Aren't you supposed to be, I dunno, at work or something? Dad, I'll call Nick Goode to get him to make you listen." I blackmailed him with a smile on my face.

"She'll keep torturing me, she'll tell Jenny, she'll never let this go, she'll never let this go," Dad was doing many things right now, but actually trying to whisper was not one of them. "Okay-this is crazy-I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. I'll go!"


"We missed the game, Dad...did you time it so that could happen?" I asked as we pulled up to the emptying football field in Dad's crusier.

"No, that would earn me bitch of the year. But the bus hasn't left yet! Go, go run and-I don't know-smoke weed, make out with Simon-"

"Dad! Shut up!" I laughed out of shock, slapping his arm playfully.

"I'm inviting you to smoke weed and have sex without getting punished, go before I shoot Kalivoda instead. He sees the cruiser. He sees you. He is actively getting off the bus."

"Okie dokie, love you Dad, bye!" I kissed him on the cheek and practically jumped out of the car, smiling and waving at the green-faced Simon.

"Sunnyvale beat us up, we've gotta go hype up the squad. You care to join us in murdering them?" He asked, wrapping a firm hand around my waist and dotting my neck with little kisses.

"Fuck yeah, I am."

And so we got on the bus. Dad was getting out of his car to go and talk to the Sheriff as the big yellow bus pulled out of the driveway. Most of the football players were holding ice packs to one part of their bodies or another, but the one thing that shocked me was seeing Kate fucking Schmidt holding an ice pack to her temple. Deena was lying on a seat in the back of the bus, her teenage angst at large, but everybody else was rioting.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⁻  ᶠᵉᵃʳ  ˢᵗʳᵉᵉᵗ ᵗʳⁱˡᵒᵍʸUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum