Marley High.

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i'm surprised i even have any motivation to write this i've just emotionally crippled myself by re watching Given :') but enjoy and have a lovely day! </3


I entered the halls filled with students leaving their classes piling out into the corridor, when sober, the colours seem less energetic, and more lonesome, were my thoughts as I really looked around at all the interior design.

The schools main colors were navy and white, guessing the uniform is a nice match, it's painted across along the stone walls, white painted across them, with grey lockers throughout.

It was boring, it was very very very very boring.

I rolled my eyes and carried on pacing to my destination.

The whole of Marley was, it rained nearly every single day. Nearly every 3 blocks had a coffee shop. The air smelt of wet pine and rain, you always had to carry an umbrella just to be safe. Yet if you knew the right corners, there was always the right level of fun to be looked for.

But back to the school.

There were many windows scattering the left and right wall, all in a row. This allowed the morning light to ascend across the school interior, however it was blocked out by the clouds that were spilling rain drops.

Dotted in each corner were groups of friends. I have never really found the point in being in a cliché group it has always seemed so pointless being in something that loses meaning after school.

Call me a pessimist, and we can see who ends up less disappointed, me or these "we are friends because I see you 5 days a week" people scattered around, I pursed my lips as I continued to scatter my eyes across the space.

The halls are filled with any genre of people, the Jocks, which consisted of Porco, Marcel and Noah, and a few other individuals surrounding them.

Usually the suck ups, who either want to be like them, or want something from them.

The only three things they have in common is; they have all fucked every person on the cheer team, their love for the sport with the popularity it gives them and the surge of testosterone they share under one brain cell.

Breaking out of my trance from Marcel waving at me, I gave him a small nod back with a smile.

With my favourite, the Captain Porco Galliard, he is the exception of course, I was his first hookup, the soft spot I have for him is still there as of now, when he is stressed and he asks me to smoke with him under the bleachers.

The first time we did he tried to confess his love to me, I interrupted him with placing the blunt back in his mouth and asking how pretty he found the stars, that was the night my soft spot developed for him, because I pitied the schools sweetheart falling in love with someone who could never give him what he deserved.

The cheerleading squad, who was orchestrated by the Cheer Captain Aayla. It's a shame she has to lead such a snobby team, who care more about the cheers that turn to moans at the end of a school game, as I mentioned earlier the jocks are very close with the cheer team.

The worst on the team being Emica, with her two minions. Emica is undeniably pretty with her fair, blonde hair, dainty body frame, fair tanned skin, but the stick she has up her ass must be pretty fucking stuck.

Once I moved to this school and she learned of my status she expected me and her to get on like a house on fire, so you can understand the reaction I got from looking and turning away from the girl who has probably never heard the word 'no' in her life.

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