'Then what do you suggest?'

'Well if we don't run there's only one other option.'

'You want us to fight?'


'You're crazy.'

'No think about it, we're god damn Quattuornexus with a level 75, if we work together we stand a chance.'

'They are with way more, you know that right?'

'Yes but it's the only way we can come out of this and continue our old lives.'

'I hate to say it but Eva's right.'

'Fine, but what do we do now then?'

'We can go to the Favre castle?'

'But Lars knows where that is too.'

'Yea but do you have any better ideas? We can't go home but we don't have any money for a hotel and I kinda want to sleep under a roof. So yea.'

'Yea alright let's go there then.'

'Like right now?'

'Yea why not.'

'But where are we? Are we even on school?'

'I guess we find out by my going up the stairs.'


So that's what they did, they went up the stairs. The stairs were a little too god damn long but they survived and found out that they were in fact on school. In the middle of the school more specific.

'I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing because we know where we are right now but there are like people everywhere.'

'Just walk and act normal, we only need to get to the woods, then we'll be more safe.'

They started walking and first it was just like always, no one gave a shit where they were going but then they bumped into Celestino, Eva's chemistry teacher.

'Oh excuse m- wait, what are you doing here? Aren't you the students who are suppose to be underground?'

'Eh no, why would we be here if we were?'

Before he could answer they walked away as fast as possible.

'I guess the teachers know too.'

'Let's run.'

She's a runner she's a trackstar. Wonder above wonder they made it out alive and now they were running through the woods. They saw the cliff approaching and didn't stop running. While running they jumped over the edge and fell until they touched the water. Sadie led them through the water towards the castle.

When they arrived the castle was completely dark. Nobody was there which was a huge relief. Since they found out a week ago they could do a lot more than only sepparate sand a whole world had opened for them with so many new possibilities. Right now Nora was making beds for them to sleep in and a table with food. Sadie had fixed some drinkable water and Eva had fixed the lights. Lisa was just sitting back and observing them work. Life's easy. All this happened within minutes and now they were already sitting down to eat.

'Cheers to us, because we are cool.'


After diner they cleaned the table which was not broken and sat down to discus their plan.

'So what was the plan exactly?'

'I literally just told you five seconds ago.'

'Well sorry hoor Sadie, tell me again.'

'As I just said, we stay here inside for another week because we really need some practice with the new Quattuornexus tricks and then we go back to school. The targets are Axel and Karine, we cannot hurt anybody else unless they help them or stand in our way. Remember we don't need to kill them, we only need to overpower them and make sure they don't follow us later on, there are many ways to accomplish that besides death.'


'We can't ask anybody for help because we won't know if they will help us, we are only students here for a year and they trust Lars and Liv way faster than us, besides are they probably scared of their parents. First Lisa goes inside to locate them and when she finds them she comes back. Then we go back there together and stop the time. We take Axel and Karine and make sure they never flik this shit again.'

'Sounds like a plan.'

'What can go wrong?'

Lucid nightmares save soulsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن