"Is there any land outside, or just the ocean?" aizawa asked to the students who had a window seat.

"There's an island on our side!" Kirishima replied as he began calming down, due to his teacher.

"We'll aim for that." Aizawa replied as the flight attendant returned with the four parachutes before handing them out to her designated person. "Everyone, get with the person I have assigned you too." He ordered quickly as he watched Uraraka grow tired as she continued pushing her limits. She wasn't used to using her quirk on something this heavy with a lot of force. She was trying her best, but she was soon growing tired.

"Uraraka." Aizawa stated as he turned towards his student, who literally had the weight of the class on her shoulders. "When I tell you to, I want you to release your quirk."

"You want us to just fall?" Sero questioned in panic, causing the rest of the class to fall into a loud chatter once more.

"Quiet!" Mic yelled once more. They were going to run out of time is they didn't hurry this up.

"I want you to release, then activate your quirk on the plane once more when I tell you too."

"O-okay." She muttered, desperately trying to hold on.

"When she activates her quirk again, I want everyone to pair up and make their way over to me. I will give you instructions on what to do then. We don't have a lot of time, so everybody get ready." Aizawa ordered as he turned back towards the pilot and flight attendant who were standing by the door, already one step ahead of him. "Midoriya and Todoroki, you will be the first pair. The second will be Kirishima and Iida, the third will be Tsu and Sero, the fourth will be everyone with a parachute, then the last will be me, Mic, Bakugo and Uraraka." He informed before turning to the brunette who was still holding the plane as everyone began getting in their duo's, preparing for Uraraka to release their quirk and for them to fall once more.

"Uraraka, release." Aizawa ordered before taking a deep breath in as a loud roar of thunder echo'd through the air. Within seconds, the plane was spiraling downwards once more while the students started to panic as they were thrown from their seats. Everyone swore that the sound of Jiro's screams would haunt them in the dreams for years to come. Both teachers watched the ground glow closer as they waited for the perfects moment for Uraraka to use her quirk once more. If they did it too soon, she wouldn't be able to hold on long enough for everyone to jump. If she did it too late, there wouldn't be enough time for everyone to jump and be able to make it safely. When they were approximately thirty miles from the ground, Aizawa looked to his student once more.

"Now Uraraka!" He yelled through the ruckus of the plane falling apart and the screams of his students. The brunette quickly touched the top of the plane, causing it to slow down once more as everyone lost their balance, nearly falling in the process. "Get that door open!" He yelled towards the flight attendant. She did as she was told and opened the door. As soon as she did, pieces of the plane began flying away as everyone slowly began getting sucked to the door. The force wasn't nearly as bad due to Uraraka, but it was still hard to move around. The flight attendant backed away from the door with the help of the pilot, even then it was still a struggle.

"Todoroki, Midoriya!" He yelled through the strong wind. The duo slowly made their way through the rest of the students before they reached their teachers. "Midoriya, use your quirk to get you far enough out for Todoroki to create an Ice slide." He ordered to his two student. The green haired man nodded his head as his hand reached for Todoroki. He was absolutely terrified he was going to die during this jump. He was terrified he wouldn't get to say goodbye to his mom, he was terrified that the league would destroy the world before he got the chance to save it, he was terrified that he wasn't going to be able to pass One For All, he was terrified he was never going to see his mother or father again, he was terrified he was going to die before he got the chance to confess to either of his crush's.

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