Chapter 22

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"I think he's bipolar.." Jisoo commented after hearing Jihyo's explanation of what happened earlier.

"Right?! He was acting cold when they first saw each other again but then suddenly they were so sweet together earlier! Infront of me! Gosh! He's pissing me through my bones!" Jihyo said. She's really really pissed.

Rosie looked away and smiled. 'Isn't she jealous tho?'

"Okay, okay that's enough. We should finish eating, we still have an appointment, Jisoo." Rosie said.

"Oh yeah, we still have half an hour."

"How about you, Jihyo? Should we go get you back to Daniel's hou-"

"Heck no! Just uh get me to my condo," Jihyo didn't even let Rosie finish. She obviously hated the idea of getting back to Daniel's house.

"Okay... If you say so." Rosie said and continued eating.

Meanwhile Jihyo, her mind is flying while she's eating.

'What could they be doing?

Are they having their bonding time?

Is he having fun with her?

Is he enjoying himself with her?


Even though Jihyo rarely cuss, she can't help it. She's beyond pissed. Thinking about those ideas is making her blood boil.


"ARGHHHH! What's happening to me?!" Jihyo immediately shouted when she got to her condo. She threw her bag and let her anger out.

"Shit. I need to calm down. Haaaaa.. Okay.. Inhale... Exhale.. Inhale.. Exhale.."

She checked her phone and turned it on. She saw 11 missing calls from Daniel.

"Only 11? He usually calls me like a hundred times but now 11 only? Ha! Must be enjoying his time with Stacy.  Sure! Go! I. DON'T. CARE."

Her phone vibrated again.

"WHAT NOW-?! Oh Nayeon-unnie.. Hmm? Yes I'm doing fine.." She immediately changed when she found out that it was Nayeon who was calling, not Daniel.

"Really? Jeong did that? Hmm, she's really sure about you.. Must be true love. Haha, I hope all."

[I know.. I'm planning to forgive and get back with her again next week.]

"Ha! I knew it! You can't last long without her. You really love each other, huh? Tsk. You gays used me as your bridge to start your love story. Aish." Jihyo said and rolled her eyes. Thinking about it.. She's not hurt anymore. She doesn't feel any pain. Maybe she already moved on?

moving on with you | jihyo ♡ danielWhere stories live. Discover now