"Why are they even doing group routines right now? I mean, that's so annoying. I don't even know half the people I'm working with," Leo complains. I throw him a look and he rolls his eyes. "Alright. I know no one except you and I don't even talk to you half the time. What is this, like the second conversation we're having? Cool."

I hum, making him sigh in annoyance.

"A conversation requires two people and technically, your replies don't even contribute to one."

"You'll get used to it," Elliot says. "She's like this all the time."

I turn to face him with a look of question. "We don't even talk to Elliot. You're the one who comes up with the occasional comments on the teacher's or something."

"Well, you're not exactly an easy person to talk to, Harley. You always seem to be in some kind of a mood. You're intimidating. You'll die alone."

"Well, this conversation got dark real fast," I say under my breath.

"I was kidding," Elliot snaps. "Tsk, I didn't really take you for the serious type."

"You don't have to tell me you're kidding. I know you are." I'm irritated and yet somehow manage to keep my voice calm.

"Or maybe I wasn't. Who knows?" Elliot shrugs and from there on, chooses to ignore my glare, which, in my opinion, is a good idea.

Leo leans back. "I'm still annoyed by Line about the choreography thing. If she doesn't get it over with today, I'll complain."

"And how exactly is complaining going to help you? We're all either gonna ace it or go down together. There's no in between," I tell him and it's the truth. Our whole routine depends on our coordination and Line's choreography. If there's a single mistake, well, we've messed up then.

"You don't have to be that honest."

I scoff, choosing not to reply to him.

"Hey, you could at least-" he's cut off when a familiar figure smacks him on his head and he groans, looking away from me at last. "Ow- Hayette, what the fuck?"

She rolls her eyes. "You're in my seat, idiot."

"Go talk to Jude or Ty for a while. That's what you always do."

"No. Just get up from my place before I hit you with my shoe and mind you, it smells." Leo immediately cringes, getting up and throwing me one last look before walking away to the other side of the class where he usually sits. Elliot and I exchange looks while Hayette sighs in relief, dropping her bag on the seat. She's about to sit when she sees me. Her lips curl up in a sugarsweet fake smile and I mirror it for her. "Hey, good morning, Harley. Didn't see you there."

I tilt my head. "Morning, Hayette. Couldn't say the same for you since you always like to make a grand entrance no one asked for."

She scowls. "If I see that guy sitting here - or anyone for that matter, I'll kill you."

I sigh. "You're pressed up because a guy sat on your seat? Jeez, and I thought you were mature."

"I am mature, unlike you who's just too scared to even say anything to your classmates. You know how fed up most people are with your uncooperative ass, right?"

"Enlighten me. I don't know."


"What's going on there?" Kal's voice echoes in the room and in a split second, everyone is seated. Their eyes settle at me and Hayette. They raise their eyebrows as if asking what's wrong. "Well? Miss Fetcher and Miss Kingsley? What were you girls bickering about?"

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