Prologue 1 - Awake

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Sam despised hospitals.


The cold, antiseptic scent hanging in the air snapped Sam awake, and he knew where he was instantly. Everything looked sort of wrong, and fuzzy. Where he expected to see hills of sand under a fire-filled sky, he saw only a tan-and-olive colored room. The sounds of explosions and screaming had been replaced by silence, broken occasionally by a soft beeping. This was almost worse then the battle.

There was a knock at the door, pulling him out of his confused thoughts. It opened before he could ask who it was. Mikaela poked her head in and smiled (his heart did a near audible thu-thump), “Hey, look who's awake. I was starting to worry.” She crossed the room and sat on the edge of his bed, Sam pushed himself up using the palms of his hands and winced. “Worried? Don't be ridiculous. It’s going to take more than a few Decepticons to stop me.” He grinned stupidly up at her. Mikaela laughed, but her eyes slid over his bandaged form uneasily.

“I wasn't the only one worried, you know.” Sam sat up straighter instantly, “Bee? Is he ok? Is everyone ok?” Mikaela smiled and, carefully, messed with his hair, “Yeah, yeah, relax, Ladies Man. Everyone’s ok, they are moving into their new headquarters, most of them anyway. Bee hasn't left the parking lot yet.”

Suddenly, a thought occurred to Sam, breaking through the last of the haze the pain medication left over his mind, “Wait, how long have I been in here?” This time, she didn't meet his eyes. “Mikaela” he said, growing more serious and getting closer to her, “How long have I been here?”


She sighed, “Two weeks.”

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