48 Hours

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Chapter 1


Rule number 1. When you brush your teeth, always move the tooth brush in circular motions. Rule number 2. After going to the bathroom, always wash your hands. Rule number 3. Always use warm water and soap when doing the dishes. Rule number 4. The most important thing on this earth is your family. Don't ever leave them.

Stan Johnson, living in Ventura, Iowa, was one of Winnebago Industry’s top sellers. They sold motor homes and they built motor homes and they destroyed motor homes. They were quite good at it too. That wasn't the only thing they were good at destroying though. They were also great at destroying a family. A family like Stan's. The list of employees was forever long. All of them were married. Over half of them, now divorced. Stan never knew he would be next. 
                  "Hey Stan." Jackson, a married employee, ran up along side Stan. "Hi. What’s going on?" Stan asked, not removing his eyes from the poster with all his latest sales and the ones he still had to sell. "Oh, nothing really." Jackson shrugged with a weak smile. "I'm gettin' laid off." This caught Stan's attention. "Sorry what?" He turned to look at him. "I'm gettin' f-f-fired." He stuttered as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Why?" 

"Kevin wanted me to go to New York for a month for a business trip and I turned him down in front of his boss. He got, well he got real mad and yanked me outside." He stopped talking, looked down at his feet, than back up at Stan. "Then he told me to clean my office and get the heck out of his face. Well that's the edited version of what he said anyways," 

"I am so very sorry. Maybe I can talk to him," Stan suggested. "No way Stan. He'll ask you to take that trip." Stan looked side to side and than whispered, "So...?" He put his head back and let out a laugh. "What's the big deal?" Jackson nodded his head and walked off in the opposite direction. "Now you wait a minute Jackson!" Stan shouted. Jackson turned around to look at him, "Why do you think I didn't go?" Jackson asked. Stan shrugged his shoulders. "Think 'bout it and maybe it'll come to ya." He turned back around and continued on his way to his former office. 

                 Stan sat at his desk gazing at the computer screen. "Stan. In my office, now." It was Kevin. Stan jumped up from his seat and followed Kevin into his office. "Have a seat." Kevin pointed to the empty chair in front of his desk. "Okay now listen here. There is a great opportunity for this business in-" 

"New York?" Stan cut him off. "Why yes, how did you know?" Stan pointed out the door with his thumb. "Oh. I see. You have already talked to Jackson. Well he turned it down as I assume ya already know." Stan nodded. "Well Stan, I'm letting you go on this trip. You need to be at the Mason City Municipal Airport tomorrow morning at 7am. The plane leaves at ten. You will be in New York for a month. Okay?" 

"Well, uh"

"Great. Go home and start packing. When you get there you will be greeted by one of our business men. He will tell you what to do and when to do it." Kevin smiled, "Ta-ta!" Stan stood up from the chair and began to walk out of the office. He stopped and turned around. “Just one question,” Kevin smiled, “Yes?”

“Why do I have to leave tomorrow?” Kevin dropped his smile. “Well there is an annoying man who says that one of his motor homes is failing. We always say no refunds and he got angry. We are sending you down A.S.A.P or he will sue us. But Like I said, there will be a business man waiting at the airport to tell you what to do.” He began to turn back around when another question popped into his mind. “Why do I have to be gone for a month though? I am assuming it is not that big of a problem.” Kevin sighed, “Stan, the man who is going to meet you is going to explain everything. Okay?” Stan nodded and left the office. He grabbed his things and drove silently home. The only thing he could think about now was how he was going to tell Jane, his wife.

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