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Maisie Lockwood sat on the floor of her bedroom, playing with her stuffed toys. She had a Brachiosaurus, a Triceratops and a collection of other toys. Today was her 10th birthday, though it seemed that only her caretaker, Iris, and her grandfather cared. Benjamin Lockwood had given her these toys for her birthday, as well as a model of a Velociraptor. 

But she felt something was missing.

Maisie didn't know why she felt that way-her previous birthdays had never left her feeling like this-but she didn't like it. It gnawed at her insides, giving her an empty feeling.

As the evening sun streamed through the glass doors, Maisie paused in her playing to ponder this feeling. It wasn't a strong feeling-but it wasn't weak either. She already had the best grandfather and Iris, what more could she ask for?

But still, the feeling persisted. 

Maisie put her toys away while she thought. Was there any reason for this feeling?

Yes, she realized. There was. 

What was that reason?

At first, she didn't know. But then, it came to her.

She wanted someone to play with. A sibling, or a very close friend.

Both Benjamin and Iris were too old to play with her(at least, that's what they said) so she had to fill in the gaps with her imagination. That wasn't hard, but still. Those temporary characters weren't real.

She wanted someone who would play with her and care for her. Someone she could always count on. Someone who wouldn't judge her based on her shyness, or her home. 

Someone who would protect her.

Maisie knew she didn't need protecting-at least, not at the moment. But she had no idea what would happen in the future, so maybe that would apply in some way.

Finally making up her mind as to why, she felt the hole inside her ease slightly. Maisie didn't know where she could find someone to fill the hole, but she would try. 

Starting right now.

A short while later...

Maisie was downstairs, among the exhibits found beneath the gigantic glass skylight. She had tried to find Iris and explain this feeling, but Maisie couldn't find the old caretaker. So she had taken to searching the house for something to do. 

Maisie wandered up the spiral staircase to the second floor and gazed down at the fossils below. She often had fun among them, pretending she was an explorer and was documenting her finds. But that was not what she was doing now.

Suddenly she heard voices coming from the main hall. One was Eli Mills, the other was unfamiliar. Making a split-second decision, Maisie bolted down a hallway and crawled into the dumbwaiter, sliding the door closed and quickly descending down. She had never been down below the first level of the mansion, and she didn't know that the dumbwaiter could go into the basement. Until now, that is.

When the rope finally stopped moving and refused to budge, Maisie climbed out of the dumbwaiter into a dimly lit corridor. This place was entirely new, and Maisie found her instinct for exploring kicking in. Cautiously she peered around the corridor, and saw rows of empty cages, each one covering the walls. Above them was another floor, with what looked like a lab. Maisie quickly looked for a staircase, and climbed up it when she found one. 

She found a door with the words "Restricted Access" on it. Maisie pushed it open, and found the room devoid of all humans. However, it was far from empty.

Maisie's Friend-An Indoraptor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now