Britta nodded and watched as the two of them headed off, Seb with a protective, guiding hand on Alex's back. Whatever he said, she wasn't ok, Alex was silently suffering, feeling guilty about choosing not to attend her own father's funeral. She just hoped that Alex would find peace with herself very soon.

"Britta's just trying to be supportive." Seb chided Alex gently as they entered the rear of the garage, the short narrow corridor all shiny green panels and Aston Martin logos.

She briefly returned his gesture, placing her hand on his lower back, temptingly close to his behind. "I know," she sighed heavily. "But I don't want to be reminded of it, as far as I'm concerned it's just a normal day today."

Coming to the door of his little room, he made a swift detour and opened it, pulling her inside with him by grabbing her t-shirt.

She quickly found herself pressed up against the door, Seb's lips on hers, his kiss deep and passionate and at the same time calming, easing the dull ache of her misery - at least for now. He had one hand leaning on the door close to her head while his other hand was almost cradling her head with his fingers only just slipping into her hair at the back of her neck. She loved spontaneous little moments like this, when she felt like he couldn't get enough of her and was too impatient to wait until they were somewhere less risky.

He let out a soft hum of satisfaction as he parted his lips from hers, keeping her pinned to the door with his body. Her hands had made their way under his logo'd t-shirt and were caressing his back, setting off little shivers of delight that seemed to connect directly to his dick. "I needed that," he whispered, pausing momentarily as the sound of voices passed by outside. "And I know you did too."

"You know me too well," she remarked with a smile which faded as she realised something. "Actually you know me far more than anyone ever has."

He shifted back and took hold of her hands as they fell from underneath his t-shirt. "You say that as if it's a bad thing."

She thought about it for a moment, staring at his chest as she did so. She felt like she was so different with him, like he'd changed her in so many ways. A year ago she would never have imagined herself getting into a relationship with another man, she'd never imagined trusting anyone ever again or opening up to someone in the way she had. "I guess it kind of freaks me out," she admitted thoughtfully. "It's kind of scary just how much you know about me, how close I've let you get and how much I've put my faith in you."

"I'm so happy and honoured that you have after all you've been through," he replied with a soft smile just as someone knocked on the door and yelled his name through it.

"That sounds like they're ready." She let go of his hands and stepped aside so that he could open it, he wouldn't want people getting suspicious if they spent too much time holed up in here. "Let's get the day underway, shall we?"

He opened the door just a fraction, wanting to check one more thing with her. "Are you sure you don't want to phone your sister to see how the funeral went?"

"No," she replied with a little sigh, she knew Seb was only trying to help. "I spoke to her the day Britta called to tell me about it anyway," she added, as if it was an afterthought and nothing of importance.

"You did?" He asked, holding the door open for her and not even bothering to hide his surprise. "You called her that same day?"

"Ready mate?" Chris asked, keen to get started and get the track walk done because he had a list of stuff to get through, including their usual meetings.

Alex just went ahead, leaving Seb to concentrate on the data that was on the iPad that had just been handed to him. It wasn't often that she went with him on track walks, listening to them talking about corners, apexes, breaking zones and things like that didn't really interest her but it was either that or sitting back in hospitality with Britta giving her unwanted sympathy. Plus, hanging back and eyeing Seb's backside as he walked wasn't a bad little hobby to take up.

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