101's Type

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AN: Hi, I promise to get into the steps and the story just to do this we need to look at player 101 first, this is important so that we know the best way to manipulate him.

Btw this is about fictional people, both are murderers and one is sexist, please don't use this on real people. However using one of these tips for an unselfish reason (e.g. trying to walk lighter and more energetically to look more confident) is totally okay.

Thank you for reading<3

Before we get into what 212 should have done it is important to look into 101 and see how she should have done it. Player 212 chooses an easy target.

People like him who act super tough are in reality the most insecure of us all. A lot of things revealed that he was super insecure. First of all, he was in major debt which would make any person insecure as he has no security in his life. Everything could be taken from him at a moment's notice.

No financially secure person would join the squid games (forget player 001 because he had a brain tumour). Financial insecurity creates personal insecurity.

Don't know much about his childhood but I'm assuming it's shit because anyone who had to learn to suppress emotion and act tough would have had a bad childhood. He did join a gang and murdered people. No murderer is mentally sane so I'm going to assume he lacks empathy and is a narcissist . Likely his parents were rude to him and he had to pretend to be stronger than he was and these things showcased themselves in his adult life?

101's insecurity is also shown by subconscious things. For example his posture kind of closed in on itself. When someone addressed him he always waited a while before he spoke. When he walked it was heavy (when secure, happy people walk they seem light and more energetic).

His Type: (knowing his type makes manipulating him easier)

Later I will write about how these things make manipulation easier for player 212.

First of all he is obviously very disappointed in reality. The world was unfair to him, he was in debt, and had to constantly be on guard since he was in a gang. We all want life to be an adventure and people whose basic needs aren't met cannot possibly have their mental needs met. I'd say he has depression too. We know this is true by the anger which he demonstrates.

He was clearly starved of compliments / affection or basically just healthy life relationships. Of course his narcissistic traits and lack of empathy doesn't help with this. But he is starved of a genuine relationship with a person.

We can tell that he lacks proper relationships because he acts rudely and in that one episode he pushed in fron of these people so that they had no food. Obviously he isn't aware of the proper way to treat people. Establishing healthy relationships teaches us how to treat people properly.

He tries to conquer everything and everyone. He uses aggression rather than intelligence to put himself at the top of situations. He has a complete disregard for the importance of intelligence, shown as he chose his group using the physically strongest people. This helps him feel the illusion of control in the squid games (let's be honest, no one in those games is in control, even the victor). He is also pretty emotional and his emotions come in an outburst of aggression.

He loves power. I don't think I need to go into detail about this but he made himself seem like the toughest, scariest guy and even killed people and denied them food. He even became a gang leader. Power addicts are like gamblers, they thrive off the thrill of winning, of people in control, however their control is only temporary and they stretch their luck.

He is a drama addict. He lacks anything in his regular life to satisfy himself, this is understandable considering that he is in major debt.

Another problem for him is that everyone in his life only uses him for the benefits that being his 'friend' guarantees. For example the people in his gang in the squid games got more food, were saved from his killing spree etc. This means that they aren't real friends and are likely to turn on him at any minute, something which he has to be careful of. He was also in a gang so he had to be careful of anyone turning on him. This makes him less trustful.

That may make him harder to seduce, however if 212 plays her cards right (I will write how in the next chapter) then it will make him much easier to control, so it all works out for her in the end.

Being in a gang, he has had to act strong, which means that he had to give up his femine side because unfortunately society views femininity as a weakness (even though it's totally not!). This means that his femine side is repressed (most of him is repressed so this adds to the list). He is also sexist as he wouldn't let women into his team because they are weaker and when he had sex with 212 he called her a stupid whore and was done with her. This just leads to show how super repressed his femine side is.

All these things make him a pretty easy target for 212. It's easier to manipulate the mentally unstable and he is top tier mentally unstable. 212 could easily make him her slave and win.

If I had more knowledge about his childhood then I could have gone into this deeper.

AN: Thank you for reading!!!!!!!! In the next chapter I will focus on player 212's seduction type and how she could use these things to manipulate him, that's where it gets more fun! But remember that this is only fictional and using people to your advantage in daily life is a horrible thing that you should never do. Also I'm writing this as to how 212 could have used 101 to her advantage. Since we all know he used her (after sex he was done). That is despicable and utterly horrible and I'm sorry to anyone who has ever experienced this. This is just how she could have played her cards so that she was dominant in the relationship.

I don't own these characters, Netflix does.

Thank you to anyone who reads this!!!!!!!!

- rubytuesday55

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