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"I'm just trying to understand why you need to think about anything?" I told Kelly, holding onto my chin, looking at her rather curiously.

If she was Brandy's best friend, how could she be so vindictive to ever consider representing Jason in his and Brandy's divorce?

"And I'm trying to understand how's this any of your business?" The woman said back to me, rolling her neck some, crossing her arms just over her chest.

I glanced over at Brandy who could do none other but hold her head in the palms of her hands. She just couldn't fathom such a betrayal as this one.

"Y'know what," I rose from my seat at the table, removing my hoop earrings and tossing them wherever they fell, "I let you slide with that 'Brandy Boo' comment, but you obviously want me to whoop yo' ass."

I moved towards Kelly, but Brandy had also risen, following behind me and grabbing onto my arms before I could move further. "Monica, stop it. It's not worth it, it's really not." 

"No, let her hit me," Kelly told Brandy, she too had rose from her seat. "Let her come at me like the hoodrat she is!"

"Hoodrat—" I jerked my head, utterly surprised that she'd go so low.

But, before I could respond, Ms. Loretta told the woman, "Alright now, you ain't gone sit in my house calling nobody no hoodrat." She took a sip of the warm tea before her, never losing sight of Kelly. "You might got a lil bit mo' money than us but we all black in here, ain't no hoodrats in here." The elderly woman then looked at Kelly in a pondering fashion. "And another thing, you know you wrong for backing Jason up in the divorce. Why you doing it? You hunching with him? You sucking on his dingaling?"

I laughed some, figuring that if anybody could truly handle Kelly for the mess she caused, it'd be Ms. Loretta.
Brandy only moved in disbelief, still so hurt of it all.

"Hunching him—hunching who? Jason?!" Kelly replied, seeming offended. "Aunt Loretta, Jason is gay. He's into men. I told him I would think about representing him because we are friends!"

"Friends?!" Brandy exclaimed, flabbergasted. "Since when are y'all friends? When did this friendship start? A few days ago?" She was utterly confused as she awaited an answer.

I stood just behind Brandy as she confronted Kelly, assuring her that no matter what, I was right there and I had her back every step of the way.

The other woman sighed, rolling her eyes a bit. "Brandy, we became friends the day you married him. You know this."

"Maybe so," My girlfriend replied, disappointment settling just within her, "but when did y'all become so tight to the point where he'd mean more to you than me?" She eyed Kelly sideways, holding onto her chest. "That you'd represent him and not me? Explain that."

Ms. Loretta and I locked eyes, inaudibly communicating to each other that Brandy said exactly what needed to be said—asked all that need to be asked.

"Really, Brandy? Why would say that?" Kelly moved her head from side to side, also grabbing her own chest. "Jason is not—he does not mean more to me than you. You know that." She pointed towards her friend. "Please don't make this bigger than what it is ."

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