Chapter 2

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Willow's POV

The next day at school nobody spoke when Hayley and Thorn arrived. You could literally hear a Populars' bobby pin drop. I couldn't believe that my cousin would fall for a Popular! However, she was still my cousin and my best friend. That decided my next move.

"Willow?" Hailey asked as I walked towards her and Thorn. I stop in front of her.  "What are you-"

I cut her off by hugging her. "You may be in love with a former Popular but you're still my cousin."

She hugged me back, "thanks Lilo."

"Well well well, isn't this so precious."  A voice broke us apart.

"Fuck off Reid."  I glared at him.

He mocked a pout.  "You wound me badly."

I rolled my eyes and left with Hayley and Catrina with Thorn following Hayley.  We stopped at our lockers and Hayley whispered something to Thorn.  He reluctantly left, leaving Hayley, Catrina, and I to talk.

"You told us how you guys met but no details.  So, how'd you two meet, er, I guess hook up?"  Catrina asked.

"Well..."  Hayley dragged on, "I was at the club, hanging out by the bar when Thorn comes up to me.  He was alone too and he was acting differently.  He offered me a drink so I took it and we started dancing.  One thing lead to another and next thing I know, I'm in bed with Thorn Enzo."

"Hayley!"  I scold.

"Yeah, yeah no sleeping with strangers.  But he wasn't a stranger and he definitely is not one now."  She argued.  Just as I was about to try and scold her again, the bell rang and we headed our separate ways.  For me it was English with Zayden.  Yay.

"Psst.  Psst."  Zayden had been trying to get my attention ever since class started.  I ignored him as usual.

"What."  I snapped in a whisper.

"Hey."  He smirked.  I just glared at him.  "Are those space pants?  Because your ass is out of this world."

I rolled my eyes.  I never clarified what our war meant.  In the Silent Agreement, there is a part where it states that if one of the Royals on one side starts dating a Royal from the other side, there will be a war between the 'kingdoms' started.  Since we can't actually start a real war and a prank war would get people suspended or expelled, the war consists of the Popular King or Queen and the Outcast King or Queen trying to get the other to fall for each other.  The rules say that only one of us has to participate, so since I think this is complete bullshit, Zayden will be the one trying to get me to fall for him.

"Nice try Reid, you're not gonna get me with cheesy pick up lines."  I told him.

He chuckled, "Kitten, I'm just getting started."

I looked at him, completely shocked.  "Did you just call me a cat?"

"No I called you a kitten.  You remind me of one.  Adorable and feisty."  He said and for the first time since Nate move away, I blushed.  "See?  I'm already getting to you."

That snapped me out of it and I turned back to the front.

"How was English?"  Hayley asked, slightly worried.

"Fine, just Zayden trying to hit on me.  Oh God, is it gonna be like this for the rest of the year?"  I groaned and banged my head on the lunch table.

"Yup."  A voice above me said.  My head snapped up and to my dismay, it was Zayden.

"What are you doing here?"  I hissed through my teeth.

"Are you not happy to see me Kitten?"  He pouted - which I had to admit was super cute but so not the point.  He put a hand over his heart and stumbled a bit.  "I'm hurt badly love.  Scoot over and make room for your boyfriend-to-be."

I elbowed him as he sat down next to me.  "I'm serious Zayden."

He sighed dramatically.  "If you must know, I am here because the all the Royals must now join tables since a war has started."

I glared at Hayley, knowing this was her fault.  She just smiled innocently and turned her attention to her boyfriend who had just sat down and wrapped an arm around her.

"Hey princess."  He greeted her.

"Hey Charming."  She giggled at her joke as I rolled my eyes while mentally gagging.  As the rest of the Royals sit down, I'm stuck squished against Zayden.

"Uh...could you, uh, I don't know, move?"  I snapped at him.  He just smirked at me and wrapped his arm around my noticeably smaller stature.

"I think I'm good here Kitten."  He winked and I looked away.

For the rest of lunch I talked with Catrina since Hayley was off in her own little world with Enzo.  I left early to stop by my locker when I'm pushed up against a wall.  Caroline.

"Willow."  She spat out.

"Caroline."  I spat back.  She let go of me and stumbled a bit since I actually spat on her.

"It's Carol."  She glared.  "I'm not here to argue about the little things.  I'm here to tell you that Zayden is mine.  Stay away."

I just laughed.  "Zayden was yours.  He dumped you because he got sick of your ugly ass face and personality."

The first part was a lie.  She was probably the prettiest girl in school.  She had pin-straight, golden hair and light blue eyes, while I was stuck with wavy light blonde hair that got frizzy when it was too hot with weird green eyes.

Her eyes filled with embarrassment but quickly filled with anger.  "He wasn't thinking straight.  He will be mine again and you're not getting in my way."

"I'm not in your way.  Your fake boobs are."  I smirked.

She stomped away and I continued walking to my locker when a hand on my shoulder stopped me again.

'What now?'  I groaned inwardly.

"Hey."  The person said.  I recognized him from his voice so I kept walking.  He sped up to match my pace.

"What do you want Reid?"  I asked.

"For you to say my actual name.  You're gonna need to practice for when you scream it."  He winked and I gave him a 'no funny business' look.  "So I overheard you and Carol talking about me."

"And?"  I replied in a quipped tone.

"Didn't know you cared for me that much."  He teased.

"I don't, I just hate her more than I hate you."  I told him as I stopped at my locker and started putting in my combo.

"You know you have feelings for me.  You can't deny it."  He said.

I slightly stuck my head in my locker to avoid looking at him.  It was true, over the years I couldn't help but develop feelings for him.  I used to tutor him and he wasn't that bad when we were alone.  Plus you would have to admit that he wasn't bad looking.

"Yeah,  I have feelings for you.  Hatred and disgust."  Lie.  Don't get me wrong, I still hate his reputation and how he is to others; but I don't hate him.  I look to see him looking at me with hurt.

He quickly masks it with arrogance, "I wouldn't be so sure about that love."

I slam my locker and start heading to my next class which is Math.  With Zayden.  Wonderful.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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