Chapter 35

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"I'm sorry I'm late" I walked into the board room. Aizawa followed me in.
"Good evening everyone" he bowed "don't worry about me I'll be in the ba-"
"OMG YOU'RE HER BOYFRIEND AREN'T YOU?" Shannon, another business owner shot up.
"Yes I am" he said.
"Wow so its true" Faye, one of the my business partners looked at me.

"Yeah its true" I held eye contact with her. Her once curious gaze turned into a intimidating stare.
"You Ok?" Aizawa whispered to me.
"She liked me for a while" I whispered in his ear "just ignore her"

We sat down and the business meeting started.
"So per usual L/n enterprise has made the most progress this month" Quan started "how?" Everyone looked at me.
"I have a mixture of flow and job production between my businesses so customers are able to get whatever they want which increases revenue, then I provide a lot of promotions for  my employees to keep them motivated and I overall have a positive image" I said.
"But wouldn't the constant promotion take a toll on your overall cash" Faye asked.
"Based in how much I already have, no it doesn't" I replied. She looked behind me then rolled her eyes. I turned around and Aizawa was smiling blissfully at me. I smiled back and returned to the meeting.

~time skip~

"Alright that concludes this meeting" everyone stood up "thank you Y/n for letting us use your board room"
"No problem" I smiled "have a good day everyone" and they left. I walked over to Aizawa "hi" I smiled.
"You're so good at this, I'm so proud of you" he picked me up in a hug.
"Thank you" I smiled.
"So what do you have now?" He put me down.
"I just need to do some things in my office" I said.
"Things being?"
"Answering emails, planning lessons, organizing team building projects, finalising some things for the gala, just a few things here and there"
"I worry about what a lot of work us for you"
"I had to do all of this plus getting a uni degree whilst having a new born, nothing compares to that" we left the boardroom and headed towards the elevator.
"Wow, would you like me to help you with any documents?"
"No its fine" I pressed the button for the elevator.
"Then how can I help you?"
"You can watch the kids and give me space to work"
"What work snacks do you like? Or would you like meals while you work?" He pulled out his phone and rushed to notes.
"Aw thank you" I smiled "but really it's fine"
"I'll bring you meals then"
"Thank you" I smiled.

We got into the office and I sat down at my desk and logged on. I noticed the time and it was close to 8.
"You should go to dinner now with the others" I said.
"Aren't you coming?" Aizawa looked at me confused.
"I booked a reservation for you, Jay, Taraji and the kids" I started my work.
"Really?" He fully faced me.
"Yeah reservation for 5" I didn't look at him.
"Y/n why would you do that?!"
"What's the problem?" I looked up at him.
"The problem is that you're not eating!"
"Why tf are you yelling at me?"
"Because I don't like worrying about if or when you're going to pass out from malnourishment!"
"I'm not going to pass out-"
"Have you before?" He interrupted and I stayed silent "Y/n I asked you a question, have you YES OR NO?!"
"YES now drop it"
"Excuse me?"
"I SAID DROP IT" I glared at him "go away and take the kids to dinner"
"Fine" he slammed the door behind him. I sat in silence for a few seconds and then eventually got back to my work. I planned my next few lessons and answered all of the 2721 emails in my inbox.

Hours went by and I was still focused on my work. I hadn't taken a break as my eyes were glued to the screen. I noticed a request to be on a talk show, I had previously been on it and I already loved the atmosphere of the place, they were asking for me and Aizawa to make an appearance to talk about our relationship and stuff. I decided that I'll ask Aizawa when we were on better terms. The door opened and I looked over to see Aizawa standing there. He walked over to me and put a bag on my desk then left in utter silence.

𝐹𝑜𝓇𝒷𝒾𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓃 ~ 𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪 𝔁 𝓫𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now