Jeffrey's love

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I sat in a plane seat with Jeffrey Bezos. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We had just gotten married, I thought, and gazed at the red diamond ring that resided on my finger.

I looked up into the plane mirror with my scarlet orbs. I was pale and had rich raven hair that cascaded down my back in lush waves. My lips were black and pointed and my dress was black with ruffles for the collar.

Besides me sat Jeffrey Bezos. He is the hottest man in the world and I can't believe I just got married to him. He even broked up with his wife Mackenzie for me. Jeff's bald head glistened like a oil-coated egg and I let a soft whisper escape through my parted lips as I observed his utmost beauty.

After a few minutes I turned to the movie attached to the tv on the back of plane seat. We were warching Ice Age 3 but I couldnt focus on the movie. I could only focus on where our private jet was flying... to Scotland for our honeymoon. I sighed and pictured the beautiful place. Jeff said he chose it because of "publicity" and "Amazon advertisements in the UK" but I think he really just wanted to be romantic... I love British people and Scotland is so pretty!!!

Our plane did a 360 and landed on the ground gently. I clicked the remote with my slender fingers adorned with my wedding ring and turned off Ice Age 3. Jeff Bezos turned to me dreamily and I kissed him with my tongue that has an Amazon-shaped piercing.

I stepped out with my new husband and gazed out at the Scottish highlands. The city of Aberdeen laid in front of us and I sighed. A big sign with the image of a man I didn't know towered over the city and I gasped. The British flag lay behind him and he smiled sexily. The sign shimmered and the unknown man's bright hair glistened in my eyes. He had smooth skin and kind eyes.

"Who is that, sweet Jeffrey" I implored.

"Why do u want to know bb," Jeff responded.

"B-b-b-b-because I want to learn more about British people!!!!"

"Fine bb," Jeffrey said. "That's Boris Johnson. He's prime minister of the UK."

A soft moan escaped my luscious vampiric lips, but I knew I couldn't let my billionaire husband know. I quietly said, "Okay sweetest Jeffrey. Shall we continue our honeymoon now?"

He nodded and picked me up in his gaping, money-filled arms. The two of us galloped away into the city of Aberdeen and I sighed. I loved dearest Jeff with all of my heart but the man I had seen on that sign... the so called 'Boris Johnson'.... He lingered in the depths of my mind and every time I thought of him as we galloped around Aberdeen, my thin body quivered with love.

What should I do?

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