03 | Allegory of William

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"The lack of money is the root of all evil"

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"The lack of money is the root of all evil"

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THERE WAS A PIECE OF ME that was filled with a strange internalized desire for control.

I've always had it, like a small flame that burned restlessly inside. I wanted constant full control over any impacting situation brought upon me. If such a thing was out of reach, I'd back down. If I couldn't control a person I'd distance myself from them. If I couldn't control a situation I'd ignore it. If I couldn't control myself I terrorize myself over it.

It had become a strange compulsion that fueled my every waking moment. But from the world I was born into, such behavior was easily justified. It was a trait passed down from each generation.

Staring at the white dress hung on the closest's door, my mouth twisted up with disgust. It was long and flowed like a casual sundress. I could tell before even putting the piece of cloth on, that it would not compliment my figure in the slightest.

It appeared to have properties similar to a fancy tablecloth. Was this Mother's idea of sexy but modest?

The limited lace trim on the v-neck cut did little to the design except forge the idea of it being a 1950s nightgown. Slipping on the delicate white cloth, I observed it fully in the mirror.

I looked like a housewife.

There was one thing I had learned from the extraordinary world of elegance, also known as the group of people that had inspired the term "eat the rich", due to our lack of ethics regarding anyone of lower social standing. And that one thing was that there is always a way to transform an outfit.

Pinching the back of the waist on the dress backward, I scrutinized how much lost space was there. Thankfully, I was able to navigate a bobby pin in my room, and I pinned the waist in the back in such a manner that it didn't look obvious. 

My mother was a fan of pearls, though I never understood why. I always preferred gems and jewels that would spark in the light, over a white sphere.

Layering a silver necklace with aspects of a green gem in the middle and matching earrings, I slipped on jade green heels to match the jewelry.

It was far from anything I'd casually pick on my own accord, but it looked less like a hand-me-down.

The makeup I applied was far from anything extraordinary, deciding to keep the white innocent vibe of the outfit. 

And with that, I was out the door. William Strathen, what a pleasure it will be to tame you.

The mansion we arrived at did little to flatter me, though I did enjoy how much Mother and Father stood out in contrast to the dark exterior.

It was as if the white doves were delivering a message to the underworld. Mother rang the doorbell of the front door, standing back right after to allow a satisfying distance between us and the Strathen's.

With one swift movement, the door was opened by a servant dressed in an all-black suit with little pops of white. Standing back, allowing us to enter, I stepped hesitantly into the red, brown, and black-styled house.

The interior was anything but awful, almost earning a slight gasp from me. It was actually rather astonishing how large and elegant the room looked, despite the darker colors and old furniture.

Standing a few feet from us, was Mrs. Strathen, in all her glory. I don't remember much of William, but his Mother was not a woman easy to forget. Her smile radiates feelings of a lovely old grandma, despite her skin being smooth and nearly void of wrinkles.

She might've been the only joyful and genuine woman I've met in all my years of going to events.

"Sharon, Charles!" She exclaimed, stepping forward and embracing both my parents with a hug and cheek kisses. "Oh my dear, how wonderful it is to see you after so long!"

"Stefani, looking youthful as ever," Father complimented, a fake chipper to his voice.

"Oh please," Mrs. Strathen swatted the air in front of him," Don't flatter me."

My mind drifted as I looked thoughtfully around the room, allowing the voices and soft conversation to turn into nothing but muffles and background noise.

It wasn't until I heard my own name amongst the chatter that I snapped back to reality. "Estelle, darling," Mrs. Strathen. "You're as beautiful as I remember!"

She stepped closer, her arms extending into a pose that indicated a hug. I allowed myself to smile lightly, assuming that getting on her good side would make the process of marriage easier. I embraced her somewhat stiffly, not used to any sort of contact. Although, I'm sure she didn't notice as she squeezed me tightly, rambling about how pretty the dress was.

The same dress that Mother silently scrutinized on our way out of the house. "You always find a way to whore yourself out, Estelle," Father spat bitterly, but said nothing else as I strolled past him.

But dogs like you love that shit, don't you Father? Men are easy, nothing but NPCs drawn to money and sex. 

Mrs. and Mr. Strathen guided us to the dining room, which was a cozy table, rather on the short side with jade red placemats and napkins that were folded into flowers.

Sitting on the far side of the table, was none other than William Strathen. 

My ever-so-sly smile dropped as I locked eyes with him. His piercing cold stare made me want to wallow away. The contrast of his calculating gaze next to the bubbly personalities of his parents was nearly threatening.

How foolish I was to doubt a man I hadn't seen in years.

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