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(a RETELLING of the Libulan / Sidapa mythology)


·  LIBULAN / BULAN – youngest of the seven children of Lidagat & Lihangin, an androgynous-looking young boy who also shines the brightest among the siblings

·  SIDAPA – god of the afterlife, can change from male to form. (The female figure is the wife of the god of war)

· HALIYA – elder sister of Bulan who is the sworn enemy of the serpentine BAKUNAWA

· BAKUNAWA – a snake-like being who wants to devour Bulan, he is captivated by the boy's glow

· MAGUAYA – deity of the sea (can be a man or a woman), carries the souls of the dead to the underworld

· LUYONG BAYBAY – goddess of the tides, sings to the moons and was asked by Sidapa to sing to them with the other deities so that he could see a glimpse of Bulan as he dances around the moon

· TALA – one of the other seven siblings, she is seen with long hair with the constellation of stars in them

· LIDAGAT – personification/god of the seas

· LIHANGIN – personification/goddess of air

· BATHALA - the mightiest among the gods


*Sit back and follow me as the tale of the god of homosexuality is retold in the style of Percy Jackson.  UPDATES coming SOON... Well, until I get my Mac fixed that is... <3

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