Chapter 2: Aspirations

Start from the beginning

The entire class express their excitement but are also not surprised by the fact that the smartest and most powerful kid in the class is applying to UA, almost as if they had expected that much of him, and none had a doubt he will be accepted in.

Claw: *Raises his hand to silence the class* And as for the second student applying to UA... *exasperated sigh* Izuku Midoriya..
Shocked gasps turned to mocking laughter throughout the class until young Bakugo stands up and fist bumps his buddy in excitement.
Random student: That quirkless loser wants to attend UA? Bakugo he's just gonna hold you back man.

After hearing this, Deku's head slowly drooped downward with a look of defeat on his face whereas Bakugo's eyes widened and his head shot up with a palpable intensity...

Katsuki: Now listen here you fucking extras, you all act like youve never seen a late bloomer before! Deku doesn't have a quirk YET but he is gonna get a quirk. I can feel it, and when he does it'll be me and him looking down on you all from the top, while you extras are just a footnote in some loser's fanfic...

The aura of pure hatred that was radiating off young Bakugo was so intense even the principal felt uneasy. Izuku saw the fire in his friend's eyes and tried to calm him down while also showing gratitude to him for coming to his defense, and with some success. After that little rage outburst school had ended and the two began to walk home and discussed their workout plan for the following week.
After walking for about 30 minutes the duo reached their block, as they lived across the street from each other. They went their separate ways, Deku went home and was welcomed with a hug from his mother and some freshly cooked katsudon. Katsuki on the other hand wasn't so lucky, as he walked in the door he was instantly verbally assaulted and berated by his mother.

Mitsuki: And what the hell took you so long!?! You know it's spring break next week and boy do I have some extra  stamina training planned for you to do all week!!
Katsuki: Calm down woman, I was walking home with Deku... and about next week i'm actually gonna be training with him so he can help me hone in some moves for my quirk and I can also help him get stronger so his body can handle any quirk that manifests in him, or at the very least defend himself
Mitsuki: HAHAHA don't make me laugh, you're really gonna waste your time on that dead weight across the street? You're training here with me so I can get you into shape and make me.. I mean us, rich and famous. You know our family name don't mean shit around here.
Katsuki: *getting visibly irritated* HEY DONT TALK ABOUT DEK....
Mitsuki: * Smack* Who do you think you're talking to??? Huh?? Say something, or are you a little Bitch like your father was? And don't even THINK about using your quirk.

Without saying a word, young Katsuki turned around and went up to his room while holding back tears of pain and frustration from the verbal and physical assault he just went through. Sadly this was not the first time he's been struck and put down by his own mother. The person who was supposed to love him unconditionally only sees him and future financial gain but for now she only sees a burden, a mistake, something she should have swallowed. Once in his room Katsuki locks his door, grabs his red earbuds and plays one of his favorite songs by NF. Mansion.
As the song starts Katsuki lays on his bed, closing his eyes and drifts off into his own headspace. There he sees all the things he keeps bottled up. All his pain, his fear, his self doubt. He hides these things due to the fact that he doesn't want to worry his friend.... Yes his friend Deku, the only one that has been by his side even before he got his quirk. Izuku is the one who sees the good in Katsuki and will always be there to help him up when he's down even if doesn't want help. But how can he get help from someone if he's supposed to be the one to give help? Then of course it's the fear that hurts the most, the fear of his mother, the one who uses him and beats him down. The fear of never becoming number 1, or even worse the fear of letting his quirk and rage consume him and turn him into the monster he knows that he has the potential to be. This went on for a good 3 hours until he received a text that pulled him from his own reality into the one he currently resides in...

Deku: Hey kachaan are you okay?
Kachaan: Hey Deku, yeah i'm fine i think....
Deku: You think? Something wrong?
Kachaan: I'll explain later... is it cool if I come over tonight?
Deku: Of course man, I told you before that you're like my Brother and you know my mom loves you. Just come over when you're ready
Kachaan: Thanks, I'll be there in a bit.

With that Katsuki packed a bag for the weekend, as he headed down stairs where The bitter old hag was waiting for him. He calmly told her he was staying at the Midoriya household for the night but before she could even protest his words, he was already out the door and across the street. After only a single knock on the door of the Midoriya house, young Bakugo was greeted with a warm, affectionate, and motherly hug as Deku's mother Inko opened the door to welcomed her practically adopted son. The rest of the night went uneventful as the boys sat at the table for a hefty helping of Katsudon (because teenagers and their appetite) after dinner they watched some of All Might's old hero videos while Deku of course scribbled some notes, then ended the night by discussing a work out plan.
Katsuki: So since your body isn't used to the strain of exercise, I was thinking we can do some daily warm ups before we hit the real workouts, that way we can gradually build your strength and stamina.
Izuku: Sounds like you've put some thought into this Kachaan, what did you have in mind?
Katsuki: we can start with the basics, maybe some burpees, 50 should be fine.
Izuku: 50!? That sounds like a lot of work don't you think?
Katsuki: Trust me, it'll be tough at first but soon you'll be asking for more
Izuku: I hope you're right, what else?
Katsuki: Then we move on to do 100 squats
Izuku: (with a worried look on his face) You trying to kill me?
Katsuki: You'll be fine Deku, I wouldn't come up with this if I thought you couldn't handle it.
Izuku: I guess you're right, sounds like a lot but I'll try my best
Katsuki: Oh we're not finished yet, we still have to go over the bicep curls, the bench presses, the chin ups and the sit ups.
Izuku: ..... You're out of your Goddamn mind... I can't do all that.
Katsuki: (with a smirk) You can and you will buddy.
After talking for what seemed like all night the dynamic duo decided it was time to turn in for the night, because this was the beginning of when they were gonna start their 6 months of training. Of course it wasnt gonna be easy by any sense of the word and you can bet that life (aka the authors) were gonna put them through hell on earth for them, but it'll be worth it in the end.   (We promise)

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